Tuberculosis seminar


12:00      Welcome     
               Anne Ma Dyrhol Riise. Head of Research. Dep. of Infectious diseases,                           OUS/UIO

12:05      Antimicrobial Resistance in Africa         
               Joel Fleury Djoba Siawaya, Mother & Child University Hospital, Jeanne
               EBORI Foundation, Gabon

12:35      TB biomarker research in South-Africa
Novel N Chegou, Stellenbosch University, South-Africa

13:05      Experiences from the Norwegian TBCOX2 Clinical Trial
Kristian Tonby, Dept. of infectious diseases, OUS/UIO

13:25      RNA signatures in TB patients receiving H56:IC31 vaccine
               Noelia Alonso Rodriguez, Dept. of infectious diseases, OUS

13:45      TB biomarkers in Indian cohorts
Synne Jenum, Dept. of infectious diseases, OUS

14:05      TB screening and follow up at Dep. of Pulmonary Medicine, OUS
               Hallgeir Tveiten, Dep. of Pulmonary Medicine, OUS

14:25      Concluding remarks


Tags: Infectious diseases
Published Oct. 27, 2022 3:22 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2022 3:22 PM