Be ready for the tick season, save the date

Welcome to a seminar on Lyme disease and forest tick encephalitis (TBE) for doctors and other health personnel with an interest in tick-borne diseases.

The Department of Neurology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital and the National Competence Service for Tick-Borne Diseases are organising a seminar on Lyme disease and forest tick encephalitis (TBE) for doctors and other health personnel with an interest in tick-borne diseases. We invite you to an afternoon seminar at Rikshospitalet.

The Department of Neurology, Oslo University Hospital and the National Competence Service for Tick-Borne Diseases are organising a seminar on Lyme disease and forest tick encephalitis (TBE) for doctors and other health personnel with an interest in tick-borne diseases. We invite you to an afternoon seminar at Rikshospitalet.


15.00 Diagnosis and management of tick-borne encephalitis with Pille Taba

15.45 Lyme Borreliosis - recent progress and remaining challenges with Randi Eikeland


Professor Pille Taba is a neurologist at the University of Tartu in Estonia, and is one of Europe's foremost experts on TBE. Among other things, she has been central to the preparation of European guidelines for TBE. Randi Eikeland, neurologist and head of the National Competence Service for tick-borne diseases at Sørlandet Hospital, is an expert in neuroborreliosis.

Published Mar. 21, 2023 12:45 PM - Last modified Mar. 21, 2023 1:04 PM