Kick-off event for Network for the Promotion of Social Science and Humanities (SHH) Perspectives in Horizon Europe (NOSSH)

A broad partnership of Norwegian Universities and the institute sector is now initiating the Norwegian Network for the Promotion of SSH-perspectives in Horizon Europe (NOSSH).

The kick-off programme at a glance

I     Introduction 

II    About Horizon Europe – content and processes 
      Senior Adviser Kristine Naterstad, the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research 

III   Perspectives of SSH in Horizon Europe
      Senior Adviser Øydis Hagen; and Special Adviser Tobias Bade Strøm, Research
      Council of Norway 

IV   Break-out sessions (45 min)
      We invite all participants to take active part in a discussion on how SSH perspectives can
      be integrated in Horizon Europe.
      Group 1: Climate and environment (Cluster 5)
      Group 2: Health and Society (Cluster 1 & 2) 
      Group 3: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment (Cluster 6),
      with a specific emphasis on mission area (3) Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland

V    Feedback from the groups

VI   Summing up and closing

More information


  • Register online (Nettskjema)


Published May 15, 2020 2:19 PM - Last modified Sep. 1, 2022 2:22 PM