Student mobility

The NORPART project will provide scholarships for master and PhD students from both Nepal and Norway. The exhange program will also give opportunities to participate in clinical and different research activities and joint seminar/courses, depending on your interest. 

The aim is to increase mobility of master and PhD students from Nepal to Norway and from Norway to Nepal, including mobility in connection with work placements. The program will provide travel grants and facilitate annual mobility.

The possibilities for Nepalese students in Norway are:

  • Psychiatry, at the University of Oslo
  • Psychology, at the University of Bergen
  • Child and adolescent psychiatry, at the University of Tromsø

The possibilities for Norwegian students in Nepal are:

  • Psychiatry/medicine from the University of Oslo to Tribhuvan University
  • Psychology from the University of Bergen to Tribhuvan University
  • Child and adolescent psychiatry from the University of Tromsø to Kanti Children Hospital

Apply for a scholarship in Nepal 2023-2024:

We welcome all interested students to send in an application for short og long term exhange, and look forward to hearing from you. 

Published May 29, 2019 11:16 AM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2024 1:50 PM