Health-related quality of life among patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

We investigate IBD patients' personal experiences of their health situation. 

About the project

Living with IBD may be challenging, in this project we will examine newly diagnosed patients experience of the disease, and factors that may impact health- related quality.

Patient experiences

Multiple factors, both disease-specific and non-disease-specific, may impact health-related quality of life in patients with IBD. The patient’s perspective of living with the disease is important knowledge to provide individualized psychosocial support in routine follow-up and care. 


The project is based on results from a population-based cohort. The aim is to describe health-related quality of life in patients with IBD the first three years after they have been diagnosed, and to identify the demographic and psychosocial factors, as well as disease activity markers associated with HRQoL.

Selected publications

Published Mar. 6, 2024 3:21 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2024 3:21 PM