Norwegian version of this page


Subject: Neurology

Skills Resources
Perform a spinal puncture (on a patient or model) and interpret findings in the cerebrospinal fluid The otolaryngology, opthalmic and neurology room


Subject: Ear-nose-throat (ENT)

Skills Resources
Clinical ENT-examination of the outer ear, ear canal og tympanic membrane The otolaryngology, opthalmic and neurology room
Interpret pure tone audiometry and quick tympanometry The otolaryngology, opthalmic and neurology room (tympanometry only)


Subject: Eye diseases

Skills Resources
Assess visual acuity in adults using subjective refractioning (spheric glasses) The otolaryngology, opthalmic and neurology room (glasses can be ended at the library)
Assess pupillary function and the light conducting media of the eye (red reflex) The otolaryngology, opthalmic and neurology room
Examination of the optic disk and retina using direct ophtalmoscopy The otolaryngology, opthalmic and neurology room


Subject: Pathology

No resources.


Subject: Pharmacology

No resources.


Subject: Medical genetics

No resources.


Subject: General practice

Skills Resources
First aid for serious injuries and life threatening diseases Cardopulmonary resuscitation room


Subject: Behavioral medicine

No resources.

Published Dec. 18, 2014 5:42 PM - Last modified Dec. 18, 2014 5:49 PM