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Cardopulmonary resuscitation room (“The CPR room”, B2.1007)


  • You will be taught this in the 5th semester and the 11th/12th semesters 
  • The Skills Centre arranges courses in DCPR for the 10th semester
  • Self training: We have several types of CPR mannequin:
    • Laerdal Resusci Anne: Adult CPR mannequin.
    • Laerdal Little Anne: A slightly simpler mannequin than Resusci Anne, with a click mechanism to indicate the right depth of compression.
    • Laerdal Junior: Junior mannequin
    • Laerdal Resusci Baby and Resusci ALS: Child mannequins
    • Laerdal AED Trainer: Semi-automatic defibrillator for training use

Bag-valve mask ventilation

  • You will be taught this in the 5th semester and the 11th/12th semesters.
  • Self training: We have ventilation bags and masks in adult and children’s sizes, some are to hand or you will find more sizes in the top cupboard. You can train on the intubation models or on some of the CPR mannequins. You can also practise inserting nasogastric tubes.



Taking an ECG and simple interpretation

  • You will be taught this in the 5th semester and the 11th/12th semesters.
  • The Skills Centre arranges courses in ECG (taking and interpretation) for the 5th semester.
  • Self training: Two ECG machines are available for training in how to connect up and take an ECG. Electrodes should be to hand or there are more in the top cupboard. After connecting you switch on the machine (green button on the left) and you take the ECG by pressing the green button on the right (wait for a while, the machine collates before it prints out).



Endotracheal intubation with ET tube check

  • You will be taught this in the 5th semester and the 11th/12th semesters.
  • Self-training: We have three dedicated intubation trainers on the counter. The mannequins can be used to intubate as well as to ventilate and check that the tube is placed correctly.

Blood pressure

  • You will be taught this at the beginning of the study programme.
  • Self-training: Several BP monitors are to hand so that you can practice using them. 

Auscultation (SAM)

  • You will be taught this over several semesters in the course of your study programme.
  • Self-training: We have a SAM (Student Auscultation Manikin) on which you can listen to different heart sounds.

Immobilization (cervical collars)

  • You will be taught this in the 12th semester.
  • Self-training:  We have several types of cervical collar on the shelf, as well as a Laerdal backboard.

Ankle brachial index

  • You will be taught this in the 4th semester.
  • Self-training: Several BP monitors and a Doppler apparatus are available.
Published Dec. 19, 2013 3:26 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2017 11:29 AM