Oslo Diabetes Forskningssenter 30 år - Jubileumssymposium!

I forbindelse med sitt 30-årsjubileum arrangerer Oslo Diabetes Forskningssenter et jubileumssymposium i samarbeid med UiO, OUS, Folkehelseinstituttet og Diabetesforbundet.


Part 1: Presentasjoner fra senteret  – Møteledere Kristian Hanssen og Elisabeth Qvigstad

11.00-11.10       Velkommen

11.10-11.25       Behandling av barnediabetes – teknologi og omsorg
                          Knut Dahl-Jørgensen

11.25-11.40       Kostråd ved type 2 diabetes – hva og hvordan?
                          Anne Marie Aas

11.40-11.55       Moderne medikamentell behandling av type 2 diabetes
                          Kåre Birkeland

11.55-12.10      Transplantasjon – en kur?
                          Hanne Scholz

12.10-12.20      Pause

International lectures

12.20-12.40      Type 2 diabetes 2020: Challenges for the individual and
                         Rury Holman

12.40-13.00      Diabetes and cardiovascular disease – Type 1 diabetes
                         and type 2 diabetes
                         Bernard Zinman

13.00-14.00      Lunsj


Part 2: Primarily for clinicians and researchers – Chairs Jens P. Berg and Kari A. Sveen

Type 1 diabetes – treatment and complications

14.00-15.00       DCCT/EDIC: What has it taught us about type 1
                          diabetes, and where do we go from here? - Discussion
                          Bernard Zinman

15.00-15.10      Long-term type 1 diabetes, the DIALONG studies – 
                          findings and prospects.
                          Tore Julsrud Berg

15.10-15.20      The Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry -
                         recent findings and potential for further research.
                         Torild Skrivarhaug

15.20-15.30      Type 1 diabetes epidemiology - can it give us clues to
                         aetiology and prevention? 
                         Lars Christian Stene

15.30-16.00      Coffee and snacks


Type 2 diabetes – treatment and complications

16.00-17.00      UKPDS: What did we learn about type 2 diabetes, and
                         which important questions remain to be answered? -
                         Rury Holman

17.00-17.10      A guide to public health intervention for prevention of
                         type 2 diabetes in women.
                         Anne Karen Jenum

17.10-17.20      Diabetes in immigrants: Challenges and solutions
                         Cecilie Wium

17.20-17.30      The type 2 diabetes epidemic - has the tide turned?
                         Hanne Gulseth


NB! Symposiet er åpent for alle. Velkommen!

Publisert 14. jan. 2020 13:36 - Sist endret 14. jan. 2020 13:36