Utvalgte publikasjoner

Her finner du oversikt over forskergruppens utvalgte publikasjoner gjennom flere år.

  • Foldvari ZKnetter CYang WGjerdingen TJBollineni RCTran TTLund-Johansen FKolstad ADrousch KKlopfleisch RLeisegang MOlweus J (2023)
    A systematic safety pipeline for selection of T-cell receptors to enter clinical use
    NPJ Vaccines8 (1)126

  • Meyer SBlaas IBollineni RCDelic-Sarac MTran TTKnetter CDai KZMadssen TSVaage JTGustavsen AYang WNissen-Meyer LSHDouvlataniotis KLaos MNielsen MMThiede BSøraas ALund-Johansen FRustad EHOlweus J (2023) Prevalent and immunodominant CD8 T cell epitopes are conserved in SARS-CoV-2 variants Cell Rep, 42 (1), 111995
  • Ali, M., Giannakopoulou, E., Li, Y. et al. T cells targeted to TdT kill leukemic lymphoblasts while sparing normal lymphocytes. Nat Biotechnol (2021).

  • Ali M, Foldvari Z, Giannakopoulou E, Böschen ML, Strønen E, Yang W, Toebes M, Schubert B, Kohlbacher O, Schumacher TN, Olweus J. Induction Of Neoantigen Reactive T Cells From Healthy Donors. Nature Protocols (2019) 14, 1926-1943.
  • Strønen E, Toebes M, Kelderman S, van Buuren MM, Yang W, van Rooij N, Donia M, Böschen ML, Lund-Johansen F, Olweus J*, Schumacher TN*. Targeting of cancer neoantigens with donor-derived T cell receptor repertoires. Science (2016)  352 (6291), 1337-1341 *Shared senior and corresponding authors.
    doi: 10.1126/science.aaf2288
    Commentaries: Science. 2016;352(6291):1275-1276, and
    N Engl J Med. 2017;376(5):491-493, and in Mol Ther 2016 Aug;24(7):1170-3
  • Liaskou E, Klemsdal Henriksen EK, Holm K, Kaveh F, Hamm D, Fear J, Viken MK, Hov JR, Melum E, Robins H, Olweus J*, Karlsen TH, Hirschfield GM*. High-throughput T-cell receptor sequencing across chronic liver diseases reveals distinct disease-associated repertoires. Hepatology 63, 1608-1619 (2016) *Corresponding author
    2016 May;63(5):1608-19.
    doi: 10.1002/hep.28116
  • Kolstad A, Kumari S, Walczak M, Madsbu U, Hagtvedt T, Bogsrud TV, Kvalheim G, Holte H, Aurlien E, Delabie J, Tierens A, Olweus J. Sequential intranodal immunotherapy induces antitumor immunity and correlated regression of disseminated follicular lymphoma. Blood 2015;125:82-89. Doi: 10.1182/blood-2014-07-592162.
    Commentary in Blood 2015; 125(5) 5-7
  • Olweus J. Manufacture of CAR-T cells in the body. News and Views article
    Nat Biotechnol. 2017 Jun 7;35(6):520-521.
    doi: 10.1038/nbt.3898.
  • Mensali N, Ying F, Sheng VO, Yang W, Walseng E, Kumari S, Fallang LE, Kolstad A, Uckert W, Malmberg KJ, Walchli S, Olweus J. Targeting B-cell neoplasia with T-cell receptors recognizing a CD20-derived peptide on patient-specific HLA. Oncoimmunology 2016 Feb 18;5(5):e1138199.
    doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2016.09.002.
  • Taraldsrud E, Fevang B, Jorgensen SF, Moltu K, Hilden V, Tasken K, Aukrust P, Myklebust JH, Olweus J. Defective IL-4 signaling in T cells defines severe common variable immunodeficiency. J Autoimmun 2017 Jul;81:110-119.
    doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2017.04.004. 
  • Kumari S, Walchli S, Fallang LE, Yang W, Lund-Johansen F, Schumacher TN, Olweus J. Alloreactive cytotoxic T cells provide means to decipher the immunopeptidome and reveal a plethora of tumor-associated self-epitopes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111, 403-408 (2014)
    doi: 10.1073/pnas.1306549111.
    Faculty of 1000 Prime: http://f1000.com/prime/718206020?bd=1(Two stars)
  • Abrahamsen IW, Stronen E, Wälchli S, Johansen JN, Kjellevoll S, Kumari S, Komada M, Gaudernack G, Tjonnfjord G, Toebes M, Schumacher TN, Lund-Johansen F, Olweus J.
    Targeting B cell leukemia with highly specific allogeneic T cells with a public recognition motif. Leukemia. 2010 Nov;24(11):1901-9.
    doi: 10.1038/leu.2010.186.
  • Kvale EØ, Dalgaard J, Lund-Johansen F, Rollag H, Farkas L, Midtvedt K, Jahnsen FL, Brinchmann JE, Olweus J. Plasmacytoid DCs regulate recall responses by rapid induction of IL-10 in memory T cells.
    Blood, 109 (8), 3369-76
    doi: 10.1182/blood-2006-06-031484
  • Ali, M., Giannakopoulou, E., Li, Y. et al. T cells targeted to TdT kill leukemic lymphoblasts while sparing normal lymphocytes. Nat Biotechnol (2021).https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-021-01089-https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-021-01089-x


Publisert 1. okt. 2019 16:00 - Sist endret 31. okt. 2023 16:19