
Forskergruppen har flere pågående prosjekter.

  • Disease course and outcome of IBD after 20 years of disease. Define genetic, biomarkers and environmental factors important to disease course and outcome, mortality and mortality cause, surgical resections, disease recurrence and complications, development of malignancies or dysplasia, environmental risk factors, education and occupation.
  • Biliary tract pathology after 20 years of inflammatory bowel disease. Primary sclerosing cholangitis is the most common cause of liver transplantation in Norway. Cancer of the bile ducts is a serious complication and 80% of the patients have concomitant inflammatory bowel disease. Categorisation of IBD with and without biliary can be done with MRC. Assess the prevalences of PSC, the risk of cancer associated with biliary pathology, as well as facilitate the development of diagnostic biomarkers.
  • MRI of the large and small bowel in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease. To characterize the late morphologic findings with MRI of the small and large bowel in patients with UC and CD, with particular attention to PSC.
  • Histopathology and immunohistochemical / genetic studies. To study the development of dysplasia and carcinoma in IBD-patients who have been followed 20 years  to identify early malignant changes in IBD, and to compare the genetic and proteomic changes with those of  sporadic carcinomas of the large bowel.
  • Revmatology & Extra-intestinal manifestations. Extra-intestinal manifestations occur frequently and corresponding rheumatic diseases are among the most common complications. The IBSEN study concept gives a unique opportunity to register the occurrence of rheumatic manifestations after 20 years of disease and evaluate the impact of rheumatic symptoms on patients quality of life.
  • Health economics in IBD in an epidemiological perspective. To assess the direct cost, indirect cost and patient-reported outcome after 20 years of IBD, in order to calculate cost-utility values. To compare costs and outcomes for surgical versus non-surgical patients and complications (fistulae, stenoses) versus patients without complications.
  • Health Related Quality of Life at 20 years. The IBSEN study is the only study that has the possibility to follow QoL variables prospectively for 20 years in an unselected IBD cohorte. Data from an unselected IBD population is lacking. Further, it has been suggested that chronic fatigue is closely connected to anxiety and depression which will be mapped.
  • Familial IBD. IBD within different family groups and risk for development of IBD among 1st degree relatives of patients with IBD, anticipation, the influence of perinatal factors on the development of IBD later in life and the influence of maternal and paternal IBD on their offspring in the longterm disease course.


Publisert 20. sep. 2013 11:41 - Sist endret 27. nov. 2018 14:24