
Her finner du en kort beskrivelse av våre pågående prosjekter.

Heart failure

  • Dilated cardiomyopathy. 2009 - present.
  • Cross-sectional study with long term follow-up of 100 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy investigated with echocardiography, MRI, tonometry, biochemistry with inflammation markers, catheterizations, ergospirometry and QoL. Medical students. Supervisors: Kaspar Broch, Lars Gullestad.
  • EVRICA. Effect of Rosuvastatin on left ventricular remodeling in dilated cardiomyopathy. Randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel trial of Rosuvastatin vs. placebo on left ventricular remodeling in 75 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Long term follow up.
  • Biobank. Until now samples from 500 patients with heart failure and >100 with myocardial samples.

Heart transplant patients: 2010-present

  • HITTS. Randomized study of effects of intensive exercise training vs. conventional follow up during 12 months in de novo heart transplant recipients. Maximal exercise capacity (peak VO2), muscle strength, quality of life, inflammatory variables, echocardiography intravascular ultrasound with measurements of progression of coronary artery vasculopathy. Fellow: Katrine Rolid. Supervisors: Nytrøen, Gullestad, Bendz.
  • SCHEDULE. Randomized controlled trial testing introduction of the new immunosuppressive agent Everolimus vs. cyclosporine among 120 de novo heart transplant recipients on renal function, hemodynamics, transplant allograft vasculopathy, exercise capacity and quality of life after long term follow up (5-7 years)y. A Scandinavian multicenter study.
  • EVOLVD. Randomized controlled trial testing low dose of the PCSK9 inhibitor (Evolocumab) vs placebo among 130 de novo heart transplant recipients on coronary artery vasculopathy, microcirculation and quality of life after 12, 36 and 60  months of therapy. A Nordic multicenter study.
  • IronIC. Randomized study of effects of iv iron supplementation vs placebo during 6 months in iron deficient  heart transplant recipients. Maximal exercise capacity (peak VO2), muscle strength, quality of life, inflammatory variables, echocardiography. Fellow: Kristine Victoria Brautaset. Supervisors: Kaspar Broch, Lars Gullestad.

Valvular heart disease

  • BAR-study. 2010 - present. Randomized controlled study on the effects of beta blocker treatment vs. placebo in asymptomatic moderate or severe aortic regurgitation. 75 patients included, will be followed for 6 months. Finished June 2014. Now long term follow up. Echocardiography with 3D and strain measurements, tonometry, ergospirometry. Medical students. Supervisors: Kaspar Broch, Lars Gullestad.
  • Aortic stenosis. Follow-up study of 500 patients with severe aortic stenosis admitted for intervention. Clinical evaluation, quality of life, echocardiography, functional testing at baseline and 12 months following aortic valve replacement, TAVI or conservative treatment. Fellow: Amjad Hussain, MD, Andreas Auensen, MD. Supervisors: Lars Gullestad, Kjell Pettersen, Svend Aakhus, Jan O. Beitnes.
  • Aortic stenosis. SAS Fibrosis. Myocardial muscle biopsy, echocardiography, MRI and blood samples in 50 patients with AS to evaluate mechanism of disease processes in the valves and myocardium in at least 50 patients with severe disease scheduled for AVR. Collaboration with department of radiology, Institute of Experimental Medical Research, Institute of Internal Medicine. Research medical student: Anette Borger Kvaslerud. Supervisors: Kaspar Broch and Lars Gullestad.
  • Asymptomatic Aortic stenosis. Hemodynamic evaluation of patients with asymptomatic AS to evaluate myocardial diastolic dysfunction and fibrosis. Part of a KG Jebsen research center. Institute of Experimental Medical Research, UiO. Research medical student: Anette Borger Kvaslerud. Supervisors: Kaspar Broch, Lars Gullestad.


  • ASSAIL-MI. Effect of IL-6 antagonist on infarct size in patients with STEMI-infarction. A RCT of IL-6 antagonist vs. placebo among 200 patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) to evaluate the effect on myocardial infarct size (MR). Collaboration with Ullevål Hospital and St. Olav Hospital. Fellow: Anne Kristine Anstensrud. Supervisors: Gullestad, Aukrust, Bendz.
Publisert 4. sep. 2014 09:43 - Sist endret 13. aug. 2018 10:33