Qualitative studies

Qualitative research within the research group

Qualitative research methods are integrated in several research projects within the research group. These qualitative data collections include interviews with patients or therapists, observations of therapy sessions, and information collected in surveys. Methodologies include both Thematic Analyses and Interpretative Phenomenological Analyses.

Currently ongoing projects integrating qualitative methodology

Selected publications with qualitative methodology

  • Pettersen MS, Moen A, Børøsund E & Wilberg T (2021). Therapists’ experiences with mentalization-based treatment for avoidant personality disorder. European journal for qualitative research in psychotherapy.
  • Heltne, A., Bode, C., Hummelen, B., Falkum, E., Selvik, S. G., & Paap, M. C. S. (2021). Norwegian Clinicians’ Experiences of Learnability and Usability of SCID-II, SCID-5-PD and SCID-5-AMPD-I Interviews: A Sequential Multi-Group Qualitative Approach, Journal of Personality Assessment.
  • Stänicke LI (2021). The Punished Self, the Unknown Self, and the Harmed Self – Toward a More Nuanced Understanding of Self-Harm Among Adolescent Girls. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Sørensen KD, Wilberg T, Berthelsen E, Råbu M. (2020). Subjective experience of the origin and development of avoidant personality disorder.  Journal of Clinical Psychology.
  • Ditlefsen, I. T., Nissen-Lie, H. A., Andenæs, A., Normann-Eide, E., Johansen, M. S., & Kvarstein, E. H. (2020). “Yes, There Is Actually Hope!”—A Qualitative Investigation of How Patients Experience Mentalization-Based Psychoeducation Tailored for Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.
  • Folmo EJ, Karterud SW, Kongerslev M, Kvarstein EH & Stänicke E (2019). Battles of the comfort zone: Modelling therapeutic strategy, alliance, and epistemic trust. A qualitative study of mentalization-based therapy for borderline personality disorder. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.
  • Morken, K. T. E., Binder, P.-E., Arefjord, N. M., & Karterud, S. W. (2019). Mentalization based treatment from the patients’ perspective–What ingredients do they emphasize? Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Holth F, Walby F, Røstbakken T, Lunde I, Ringen PA, Ramleth RK, Romm KL, Tveit T, Torgersen T, Urnes Ø & Kvarstein EH (2018). Extreme challenges: psychiatric inpatients with severe self-harming behavior in Norway: a national screening investigation. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry.
Publisert 22. des. 2017 14:47 - Sist endret 14. des. 2023 09:44