20th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour

Under konferansen ESSSB i Roma 28-31. august var NSSF godt representert. Vi deltok med 14 innlegg, 2 postere og var ordstyrere for både plenarer og paralleller.

Gruppe mennesker utendørs. Foto

Glad (og varm) gjeng fra NSSF. Fra venstre: Sudan Prasad Neupane, Kristoffer Ødegård, Hanne Sofie Wernø Nilsson, Egil Haga, Fredrik Walby, Lars Mehlum, Carla Hayes, Martin Myhre, Christine Mohn, Helene Astrup, Kim Larsen, Ping Qin, Iselin Dibaj, Anita Tørmoen og Johan Siqveland. 

Plenarer og paralleller fra NSSF

Plenar: Understanding Suicide. Chair: Ping Qin 

Plenar: National Action Plans for Prevention of Suicidal Behaviour. Examples From Four European Countries. Co-Chair: Lars Mehlum

  • Innlegg ved Lars Mehlum: The Norwegian National Strategy for Suicide Prevention 2020-2025 - Some Lessons Learned  

Parallell: Suicide Prevention Through Media Campaigns 
Chair: Lars Mehlum, co-Chair: Christine Mohn

  • Innlegg ved Christine Mohn: Effectiveness of media suicide prevention campaigns in three Norwegian regions  
  • Innlegg ved Hanne Sofie Wernø Nilsson: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior in Suicide Prevention Campaign Development and Evaluation 

Violence and Other Adverse Experiences. Chair: Ping Qin

  • Innlegg ved Ping Qin: Experience of Violent Injury and Subsequent Risks for Psychiatric Illness, Deliberate Self-Harm and Suicide: Evidence From Longitudinal Registries

Parallell: Suicide-Related Behavior in Vulnerable Populations: From Community to Clinical Settings

  • Innlegg ved Ping Qin: Deliberate Self-Harm and Suicide in People With Immigration Background 

Parallell: Suicidal Behaviour in People With Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse

  • Innlegg ved Martin Ø. Myhre: Suicide rates and population attributable risk in different substance use disorders - a national registry study.

Parallell:  Biology and Suicidal Behaviour

  • Innlegg ved Sudan Prasad Neupane: Peripheral Blood Cellular Immunophenotype in Suicidal Ideation, Suicide Attempt, and Suicide: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Parallell: Internet and Suicide Prevention: Risk and Opportunities 
Chair: Anita Tørmoen

  • Innlegg ved Anita J Tørmoen: Sincerity With a Catch: Young Adults Earlier Treated for Self-Harm Looking back at Their Social Media Experiences 
  • Innlegg ved Egil Haga: Changing Negative Attitudes Towards Help-Seeking for Suicidal Ideation and Depression Through a Media Campaign
  • Innlegg ved Iselin Solerød DibajBehaviour Matters: The Significance of Early Remission of Deliberate Self-Harm in Adolescents 

Parallell: Risk and Resilience for Suicide: From Biology to Environment 

  • Innlegg ved Sudan Prasad Neupane: Immune-Related Biomarkers and Suicidal Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis  

Parallell: Understanding and Preventing Suicide Risk in Males

  • Innlegg ved Carla Hughes: Socioeconomic, Demographic and Occupational Risk Factors for Suicide Amongst Adult Males: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Plenar: Charting New Fronts: Pioneering Effective Interventions for Adolescent Self-Harm and Suicidality Chair: Lars Mehlum 

  • Innlegg ved Johan Siqveland: Trajectories of Treatment Response in a Naturalistic Study of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A)
  • Innlegg ved Iselin Solerød Dibaj: Real-Time Emotion Regulation in Young Adults With Repeated Self-Harm and Borderline Features in Adolescence: 12.4 Years Follow-up of an RCT Comparing DBT-A and EUC – An Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) Study


  • Helene Astrup, Martin Ø. Myhre og Fredrik A. Walby: Implementation of the Norwegian Surveillance System for Suicide in Mental Health and Substance Misuse Services
  • Christine Mohn: Predictors of non-help-seeking for suicide thoughts
Publisert 30. aug. 2024 15:36 - Sist endret 30. aug. 2024 15:38