Cannabis: Hva vet vi? Hva bør vi gjøre?

Norges forskningsråd og SERAF: Kunnskapsoppsummering om Cannabis 10-11/11-08

10.11.08: Cannabis - what do we know and what should we do? Åpent møte i Oslo kongressenter

Helge Waal, Professor of Psychiatry, SERAF, University of Oslo:
The cannabis issue
Glyn Lewis, Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology, University of Bristol:
Does cannabis cause psychosis? What is the evidence?
Michael Gossop, Professor of Psychiatry, National Addiction Centre Maudsley Hospital/Institute of Psychiatry:
The British debate on cannabis –towards a stricter stance?
Wayne Hall, Professor of Public Health Policy in the School of Population Health, University of Queensland:
The adverse health effects of cannabis and the therapeutic use of cannabinoids
Jørg Mørland, Professor of Pharmacology, University of Oslo, Director of Division for Forensic Toxicology, Norwegian Institute of Public Health:
Update on cannabis and driving
Willy Pedersen, Professor of Sociology, University of Oslo:
Trends in cannabis use. The Norwegian development
Tor-Aksel Busch, Attorney General:
The Norwegian judicial policy on cannabis –time for a change?


11.11.08: Cannabis Issues - frontiers of research.  Forskermøte i SERAF

Willy Pedersen/Helge Waal:
Messages from “yesterday”. What did we learn in the “Cannabis and health conference”?
Anne-Line Bretteville Jensen / Robin Room (presentation and comments):
The stepping stones hypothesis
Robin Room/Willy Pedersen (presentation and comments):
The cannabis economy
Michael Gossop (presentation) Helge Waal (comments):
What is a rational political approach?
Jørgen Bramness / Lilliana Bachs (presentation) Glynn Lewis(comments):
The neurobiology of cannabis use and dependence
Wayne Hall (presentation), Jørgen Bramness (comments):
Cannabis use and cognition -short and long term effects
Glynn Lewis (presentation), Michael Gossop (comments):
Cannabis and affective disorders/ suicide
Glynn Lewis (presentation), Jørgen Bramnes (comments):
Cannabis and psychosis
Michael Gossop (presentation), Wayne Hall (comments):
Treatment of cannabis dependency
Forskningsspørsmål fra diskusjonene i seminaret


12.11.08: Advances in neurobiological understanding of adiction - political and ethical considerations

Helge Waal:
Introduction and welcome
Helge Waal / Jørgen Bramness:
The borders of neurobiological understanding. A short status.
Olav Gjelsvik/Edmund Henden:
Models of addiction and the Freedom of the will
Michel Gossop:
A chronic disease of the brain? Clinical implications
Wayne Hall:
At the borders of genetic and neurobiological understanding - What are the political implications?
Wayne Hall:
At the borders of genetic and neurobiological understanding - What are the ethical implications?
Wayne Hall:
Consequences of increased understanding. Prospectives for research areas and research methods


Emneord: cannabis
Publisert 2. apr. 2008 15:56 - Sist endret 5. okt. 2011 11:40