Faglig seminar til minne om Ann Kern-Godal

SERAF, Institutt for klinisk medisin og Oslo Universitetssykehus inviterer til faglig seminar til minne om Ann Kern-Godal, som omkom i en trafikkulykke i Frankrike 26. mai 2017.

Ann Kern-Godal. Foto: Unni Tobiassen Lie, Modum


10.00 Welcome and a summary of Ann Kern-Godals PhD
Professor em. Edle Ravndal, Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research, University of Oslo
10.30 What is horse assisted therapy?
Psychotherapist  in horse assisted therapy, Jeanette Lysell, self-employed 
10.45 Human-horse interaction and horse assisted therapy
Professor Bente Træen, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo
11.15  Break
11.30 Why we need qualitative research - and why we need researchers like Ann Kern-Godal
Professor Joanne Neale, National Addiction Centre, King’s College, London
12.00 Biomarkers of human-horse relationship in horse assisted therapy?
Francesca Gatti, Postdoc, the Pathology Department, University of Oslo
12.15 From evidence to policy, what is needed?
Professor Magne Nylenna, Norwegian Institute of Public Health/University of Oslo
12.45 Light lunch
13.30 Ann Kern-Godal's fund for horse assisted therapy
Professor em Tore Godal
13.45 Closing remarks
Dean Frode Vartdal, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo


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Publisert 22. juni 2017 12:58 - Sist endret 25. aug. 2017 13:24