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Publikasjoner - Side 14

Background: Even though validation studies of the WHO analgesic ladder have indicated that the simple approach of the analgesic ladder can provide adequate pain control in most patients, prevalence studies have documented a high prevalence of pain in cancer patients. Little is known about how analgesics are actually prescribed for cancer pain. The aim of the study was to study prescriptions of analgesics during the entire disease trajectory in patients dying from cancer within five years of diagnosis.

Amfetamin og metamfetamin er, etter cannabis, de mest brukte illegale rusmidlene. Stoffene kan gi økt våkenhet, energi og eufori, men de har også uønskede effekter som angst, aggresjon og paranoia. Blant de mest alvorlige problemene er psykose. I de senere år er det kommet ny kunnskap som i noen grad endrer vår oppfatning av sammenhengen mellom bruk av disse stoffene og utvikling av psykose.

Substance abuse, anxiety and depression after 10 years: A prospective study of drug users in and outside OMT treatment AIMS - The national Opiate Maintenance Treatment (OMT) program in Norway started officially in 1998. The same year a treatment study was initiated, including the most used treatment measures for drug users in Norway. The main aim in the present study was to investigate the prevalence of live OMT patients in the total sample after 10 years, and to compare the outcome of primarily substance abuse, anxiety and depression among OMT patients versus non-OMT patients.