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Publikasjoner - Side 17

BACKGROUND: Although persons with chronic pain are frequent users of the health care system, they report poor satisfaction with health care services. Participants with persistent opioid use in Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT)3 report severe pain in spite of treatment. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that subjects with persistent opioid use have both a higher consumption of health care services and a poorer satisfaction than the remaining subjects reporting chronic pain.

BACKGROUND: As much as 10-15% of new mothers experience depression postpartum. An Internet-based intervention (Mamma Mia) was developed with the primary aims of preventing depressive symptoms and enhancing subjective well-being among pregnant and postpartum women. A secondary aim of Mamma Mia was to ease the transition of becoming a mother by providing knowledge, techniques, and support during pregnancy and after birth.

BACKGROUND: There are concerns about potential increasing use of over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics. The aims of this study were to examine 1) the prevalence of self-reported use of OTC analgesics; 2) the prevalence of combining prescription analgesics drugs with OTC analgesics and 3) whether lifestyle factors such as physical activity were associated with prevalence of daily OTC analgesic use.

Cannabis kan gi nedsatt helse og økt risiko for sykdom. Men det er også godt dokumentert at stoffet har effekt ved en rekke sykdommer. Det er imidlertid tvilsomt om medisinsk bruk av cannabis er et argument for eller imot legalisering.

Sammendrag: Gjennom systematisk tekstkondensering av data fremkommet gjennom intervjuer og fokusgruppe med åtte pårørende som hadde mistet et familiemedlem i overdose, beskriver denne studien erfaringer knyttet til slike dødsfall. Hovedfunnet er at erfaringene kan beskrives som at alt verker og alt har satt seg fast. Dette handler om både langvarige og akutte følelsesmessige og eksistensielle belastninger. Det handler også om kulturelle og strukturelle forhold som stigma, forholdet til hjelpeapparatet og mangel på uoppfordret støtte og hjelp.

Abstract There are currently over 7000 patients enrolled in opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) programs in Norway. A rise in methadone-related deaths proportional to increasing methadone sales over the period 2000-2006 has been observed, but the causative factors for these fatalities have been elusive. In the present study, individual characteristics, methadone concentrations and additional toxicological findings were analyzed.

OBJECTIVE: Vitamin D plays a major role in Ca and bone metabolism, and its extraskeletal functions are being appraised. Although inadequate vitamin D concentrations have been reported in populations worldwide, too little is known about vitamin D status and its determinants among children in developing countries. We aimed to determine vitamin D status and its determinants in Nepalese children of pre-school age.