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Publikasjoner - Side 19

Background: Due to limited reporting of intervention rationale, little is known about what distinguishes a good intervention from a poor one. To support improved design, there is a need for comprehensive reports on novel and complex theory-based interventions. Specifically, the emerging trend of just-in-time tailoring of content in response to change in target behavior or emotional state is promising.

Background/Aims: Some patients on opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) leave treatment temporarily or permanently. This study investigated whether patients interrupting their OMT differed from non-interrupters in sociodemographic and drug-use characteristics and examined acute/sub-acute somatic morbidity among the interrupters, prior to, during, and after OMT.

BACKGROUND: In Norway, most opioid-dependent women are in opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) with either methadone or buprenorphine throughout pregnancy. The inclusion criteria for both medications are the same and both medications are provided by the same health professionals in any part of the country. International studies comparing methadone and buprenorphine in pregnancy have shown differing neonatal outcomes for the two medications.

Bakgrunn. Legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR) er en tverrfaglig trepartsmodell for behandling av opioidavhengighet. Modellen forutsetter samhandling mellom allmennlegene, sosialtjenesten og spesialisthelsetjenesten. Den innskrenker i noen grad legenes faglige autonomi. Undersøkelsen tar sikte på å undersøke fastlegers holdninger til modellen og spesielt erfaringene til dem som har deltatt aktivt i den.

INTRODUCTION: Recently, low-dose transdermal buprenorphine (LD-TD-BUP) was introduced for treatment of patients with chronic non-malignant pain. The primary aim of this study was to determine the proportion of patients who were prescribed LD-TD-BUP for non-malignant pain who became long-term users. The secondary aim was to determine the proportion of patients who co-medicated with other opioids or benzodiazepines during treatment with LD-TD-BUP.

Psychosis induced by the use of amphetamine or methamphetamine leads to dramatic symptoms and frequent readmissions and poses diagnostic challenges. Earlier studies have often relied on history taking and/or urine samples to reveal drug use. The aim of this study was to compare the psychotic symptoms of two groups: (1) acutely admitted patients who tested positive for methamphetamines and were diagnosed with drug-induced or methamphetamine-induced psychoses and (2) acutely admitted patients who tested negative for methamphetamines and were diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Alcohol use is an important part of the health profile of older adults, and little is known about the prevalence and correlates of drinking among this population in Ghana and South Africa. This study aimed to describe and compare the prevalence and correlates of drinking patterns among adults aged 50 and above in Ghana and South Africa, and to determine which correlates explain differences in drinking patterns between the two countries.