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Publikasjoner - Side 20

INTRODUCTION: Carisoprodol, a frequently used muscle relaxant, can cause potentially fatal intoxications. Conversion to its active metabolite meprobamate is almost solely mediated by cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19), and mutations in this enzyme could have significant effects on serum concentrations. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of CYP2C19 genetics in mortalities due to carisoprodol intoxication.

Baklofen er en GABAB-agonist uten kjent misbrukspotensial som er undersøkt ved alkoholrelaterte tilstander Dokumentasjonen for bruk ved alkoholabstinenser er utilstrekkelig Baklofen kan være et alternativ til disulfiram eller akamprosat som forebyggende behandling mot tilbakefall ved alkoholavhengighet.

BACKGROUND: Although opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) has been found to reduce crime, less is known about its associations with violent crime. This study investigates changes in violent crime convictions prior to, during, and after OMT, and examines the relationship between violent crime convictions prior to OMT with the risk of violent and non-violent crime convictions during treatment.

Bakgrunn. Ulike benzodiazepiner har prinsipielt samme virkningsmekanisme og skiller seg hovedsakelig fra hverandre ved forskjeller i farmakokinetikk. Det er ikke farmakologisk grunnlag for å bruke mer enn ett benzodiazepin til samme pasient. Formålet med undersøkelsen var å studere forekomst av samtidig bruk av ulike benzodiazepiner i Norge.

BACKGROUND: Opioid switching to methadone is reported frequently to improve pain control in patients with an unacceptable balance between pain control and side effects during treatment with first line opioids, but carries a risk of drug accumulation and respiratory depression. To justify this risk it is required that less risky treatments are tried beforehand and that a sufficiently large proportion of patients experience a long-lasting improvement in pain control.