Evaluering av behandlingskollektiver i rusomsorgen: Har de fortsatt en plass i dagens rusbehandling?


How current reforms in Norwgian health law will affect established collective treatment for youths is still to be seen. This article identifies four recent studies that evaluate this treatment model. The main findings of these four studies are presented and discussed. The studies assert that in relation to maladjusted youths, early interventions will prevent an increasingly destructive life style. It is vital that these youths receive adequate support in the communities in which they live. Through a joint cooperation spanning different elements of the Norwegian national health services, these clients are assisted in adjusting to the demands of modern Norwegian society.

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Av Edle Ravndal
Publisert 26. apr. 2011 13:35 - Sist endret 24. mai 2011 11:40