Mortality among opiate users: opioid maintenance therapy, age and cause of death

The study investigates how age of opioid users is related to cause of death prior to, during and after opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) in Norway.

Deaths were due to drug overdose (54%), somatic causes (32%) and traumatic causes (14%). Age had a differential effect upon risk of overdose outside treatment. Younger opioid users have the highest risk of overdose compared to older users prior to treatment. Older opioid users have the highest risk of overdose compared with younger users after leaving treatment. The high rates of overdose prior to and after treatment emphasize the need for rapid access to OMT, to retain patients in treatment and to re-enroll patients.

Addiction 104, p 1356-1362, 2009.

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Av Thomas Clausen, Helge Waal, Magne Thoresen, Michael Gossop
Publisert 26. apr. 2011 13:36 - Sist endret 22. juni 2011 10:59