Amphetamine-induced psychosis: Transition to schizophrenia and mortality in a small prospective sample

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: We investigated transition from amphetamine-induced psychosis (AIP) to schizophrenia.


A sample of 28 individuals was identified while hospitalized for AIP. We reviewed their hospital records after six years.


During follow-up, seven individuals (25%) died and nine (32%) had moved from the area. Of the remaining 12, four individuals (25%) were diagnosed with schizophrenia. These individuals were, at baseline, characterized by fewer hallucinatory symptoms and more homelessness.


Hospitalization for AIP was a relatively specific risk factor for schizophrenia and the mortality rate in AIP was high.

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  • Forfattere: Medhus, Sigrid; Rognli, Eline Borger; Gossop, Michael; Holm, Bjørn; Mørland, Jørg; Bramness, Jørgen Gustav. 
  • Publisert: American Journal on Addictions 2015 ;Volum 24.(7) s. 586-589
Publisert 2. des. 2015 11:48 - Sist endret 30. juni 2016 11:48