A rapid assessment of take-home naloxone provision

A rapid assessment of take-home naloxone provision during COVID-19 in Europe (fulltekst)

Rebecca McDonald, Desiree Eide, Katri Abel-Ollo, Lee Barnsdale, Ben Carter, Thomas Clausen, Ed Day, Francina Fonseca, Elin Holmén, Kirsten Horsburgh, Mike Kelleher, Martin Kåberg, Martin Ladenhauf, Andrew McAuley, Nicola Metrebian, Joanne Neale, Stephen Parkin, Kevin Ratcliffe, Chris Rintoul, Josie Smith, Viktorija Stifanoviciute, Marta Torrens, Henrik Thiesen, John Strang. A rapid assessment of take-home naloxone provision during COVID-19 in Europe, International Journal of Drug Policy, Volume 107, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103787.

Publisert 3. aug. 2022 10:16 - Sist endret 3. aug. 2022 10:16