SERAF rapport nr 1/2011. Open drug scenes and overdose mortality – What to do?

Report from five European cities.

What are the messages from Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Wien, Zürich and Lisbon? A study group headed by SERAF has studied the experiences in these cities.

The evaluations are presented in a new SERAF-report: Open drug scenes and overdose mortality – what to do? Report from five European cities that contains descriptions, experiences and evaluations discussed with researchers and professionals in each city.

A sustained coordinated effort from social authorities, police and health system is of core significance. Harm reduction with low threshold care and treatment is necessary but insufficient without concurrent public order measures.

The report describes the typical efforts in each city and evaluates their importance in problem reduction.

Click here to downlad the report

Av Helge Waal, Linn Gjersing, Thomas Clausen
Publisert 26. apr. 2011 13:06 - Sist endret 5. jan. 2012 13:24