Aftercare for overdose survivors during the first hours and days following an intoxication: A review of the literature

This report reviews interventions for non-fatal overdoses in order to make recommendations from the literature for the ongoing work on a standardized patient pathway.

Read the full report here (pdf)

The original Norwegian title for the request was “En litteraturgjennomgang om hva personer som har overlevd en overdose trenger av bistand i timene og dagene etter overdose” which then was translated into “Aftercare for overdose survivors during the first hours and days following an intoxication: A review of the literature”.

According to the request made by the Directorate of Health, we focused on substances other than alcohol and on the timeframe of hours and days following the non-fatal overdose event. Emphasis was put on opioid intoxications and publications that are relevant for the Norwegian setting.


Publisert 5. mars 2020 10:38 - Sist endret 5. mars 2020 10:38