Lars Weisæth

Bilde av Lars Weisæth
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Besøksadresse Sognsvannsveien 21 Bygg 4 0372 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1039 Blindern 0315 Oslo


  • Heir, Trond; Hussain, Ajmal; Kristensen, Pål & Weisæth, Lars (2021). Delayed post-traumatic stress and memory inflation of life-threatening events following a natural disaster: prospective study. BJPsych Open. ISSN 2056-4724. 7(4), s. 1–7. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2021.955. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Weisæth, Lars (2020). Psychosocial intervention models and outcomes after a terror disaster. CNS Spectrums. ISSN 1092-8529. doi: 10.1017/S1092852920002163. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Johansen, Venke A; Milde, Anne Marita; Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Breivik, Kyrre; Nordanger, Dag & Stormark, Kjell Morten [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2020). The relationship between perceived social support and PTSD symptoms after exposure to physical assault: An 8 years longitudinal study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. ISSN 0886-2605. s. 1–28. doi: 10.1177/0886260520970314. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Bakker, Lars-Petter; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Reichelt, Jon Gerhard; Gjerstad, Christer Lunde; Tønnessen, Arnfinn & Weisæth, Lars [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). The trajectory of symptom burden in exposed and unexposed survivors of a major avalanche disaster: A 30 year long-term follow-up study. BMC Psychiatry. ISSN 1471-244X. 19(1). doi: 10.1186/s12888-019-2159-7.
  • Buer, Øystein; Kalfoss, Mary; Weisæth, Lars; Stifoss-Hanssen, Hans & Bendz, Bjørn (2018). Near- Death Experience Features During Various Phases Related to Unconsciousness: An Exploratory Study of Norwegian Hospital Patients . Journal of Near-Death Studies. ISSN 0891-4494. 36(4), s. 219–231. doi: 10.17514/JNDS-2018-36-4-p219-231..
  • Weisæth, Lars (2018). Psykiske sår etter 22. juli. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001. 138(11), s. 1–2. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.18.0481.
  • Kristensen, Pål; Dyregrov, Atle; Weisæth, Lars; Straume, Marianne; Dyregrov, Kari & Heir, Trond [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2017). Optimizing visits to the site of death for bereaved families after disasters and terror events. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. ISSN 1935-7893. 12(2), s. 523–527. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2017.94.
  • Kristensen, Pål; Weisæth, Lars; Hussain, Ajmal & Heir, Trond (2015). Prevalence of psychiatric disorders and functional impairment after loss of a family member:A longitudinal study after the 2004 tsunami. Depression and Anxiety. ISSN 1091-4269. 32(1), s. 49–56. doi: 10.1002/da.22269.
  • Hussain, Ajmal; Weisæth, Lars & Heir, Trond (2013). Posttraumatic stress and symptom improvement in Norwegian tourists exposed to the 2004 tsunami - a longitudinal study. BMC Psychiatry. ISSN 1471-244X. 13. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-13-232.
  • Skogstad, Marit; Skorstad, Monica Haune; Lie , Arve; Conradi, Hilde Slørdahl; Heir, Trond & Weisæth, Lars (2013). Work-related post-traumatic stress disorder. Occupational Medicine. ISSN 0962-7480. 63(3), s. 175–182. doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqt003.
  • Johansen, Venke Agnes; Eilertsen, Dag-Erik; Nordanger, Dag Øystein & Weisæth, Lars (2013). Prevalence, comorbidity and stability of post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety and depression symptoms after exposure to physical assault: An 8-year prospective longitudinal study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. ISSN 0803-9488. 67(1), s. 69–80. doi: 10.3109/08039488.2012.732112.
  • Kristensen, Pål; Tønnesen, Arnfinn; Weisæth, Lars & Heir, Trond (2012). Visiting the Site of Death: Experiences of the Bereaved after the 2004 Southeast Asian Tsunami. Death Studies. ISSN 0748-1187. 36(5), s. 462–476. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2011.553322.
  • Kristensen, Pål; Weisæth, Lars & Heir, Trond (2012). Bereavement and Mental Health after Sudden and Violent Losses: A Review. Psychiatry. ISSN 0033-2747. 75(1), s. 76–97. doi: 10.1521/psyc.2012.75.1.76.
  • Kristensen, Pål; Heir, Trond; Herlofsen, Pål H.; Langsrud, Øyvind & Weisæth, Lars (2012). Parental Mental Health After the Accidental Death of a Son During Military Service 23-Year Follow-Up Study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. ISSN 0022-3018. 200(1), s. 63–68. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0b013e31823e5796.
  • Michel, PO; Rosendal, S; Weisæth, Lars & Heir, Trond (2011). Use of and satisfaction with support received among survivors from three Scandinavian countries after the 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami. European psychiatry. ISSN 0924-9338. 26(7), s. 436–440. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2010.09.009.
  • Hussain, Ajmal; Weisæth, Lars & Heir, Trond (2011). Changes in religious beliefs and the relation of religiosity to posttraumatic stress and life satisfaction after a natural disaster. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. ISSN 0933-7954. 46(10), s. 1027–1032. doi: 10.1007/s00127-010-0270-7.
  • Heir, Trond; Rosendal, Susanne; Bergh-Johannesson, Kerstin; Michel, Per-Olof; Mortensen, Erik & Weisæth, Lars [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2011). Tsunami-affected Scandinavian tourists: Disaster exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. ISSN 0803-9488. 65(1), s. 9–15. doi: 10.3109/08039481003786394.
  • Holgersen, Katrine Høyer; Kløckner, Christian; Bøe, Hans Jakob; Weisæth, Lars & Holen, Are (2011). Disaster Survivors in Their Third Decade: Trajectories of Initial Stress Responses and Long-Term Course of Mental Health. Journal of Traumatic Stress. ISSN 0894-9867. 24(3), s. 334–341. doi: 10.1002/jts.20636.
  • Hussain, Ajmal; Weisæth, Lars & Heir, Trond (2011). Psychiatric disorders and functional impairment among disaster victims after exposure to a natural disaster: A population based study. Journal of Affective Disorders. ISSN 0165-0327. 128(1-2), s. 135–141. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2010.06.018.
  • Heir, Trond; Piatigorsky, Auran & Weisæth, Lars (2010). Posttraumatic stress symptom clusters associated with psychopatology adn functional impairment. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. ISSN 0887-6185. 24, s. 936–940. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2010.06.020.
  • Heir, Trond; Piatigorsky, Auran & Weisæth, Lars (2010). Posttraumatic stress symptom clusters associations with psychopathology and functional impairment. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. ISSN 0887-6185. 24(8), s. 936–940. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2010.06.020.
  • Holgersen, Katrine Høyer; Bøe, Hans Jacob; Klöckner, Christian; Weisæth, Lars & Holen, Are (2010). Initial Stress Responses in Relation to Outcome After Three Decades. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. ISSN 0022-3018. 198(3), s. 230–233. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0b013e3181d106a9.
  • Heir, Trond; Sandvik, Leiv & Weisæth, Lars (2009). Hallmarks of Posttraumatic Stress: Symptom Z-Scores in a Tsunami-Affected Tourist Population. Psychopathology. ISSN 0254-4962. 42(3), s. 157–164. doi: 10.1159/000207457.
  • Thoresen, Siri; Tønnesen, Arnfinn; Lindgaard, Camilla V.; Andreassen, Anne Lie & Weisæth, Lars (2009). Stressful but rewarding: Norwegian personnel mobilised for the 2004 tsunami disaster. Disasters. The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management. ISSN 0361-3666. 33(3), s. 353–368. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7717.2008.01078.x.
  • Kristensen, Pål; Weisæth, Lars & Heir, Trond (2009). Psychiatric disorders among disaster bereaved. An interview study of individuals directly or not directly exposed to the 2004 tsunami. Depression and Anxiety. ISSN 1091-4269. 26(12), s. 1127–1133. doi: 10.1002/da.20625.
  • Heir, Trond; Piatigorsky, Auran & Weisæth, Lars (2009). Longitudinal changes in recalled perceived life threat after a natural disaster. British Journal of Psychiatry. ISSN 0007-1250. 194(6), s. 510–514. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.108.056580.
  • Hussain, Ajmal; Weisæth, Lars & Heir, Trond (2009). Nonresponse to a Population-Based Postdisaster Postal Questionnaire Study. Journal of Traumatic Stress. ISSN 0894-9867. 22(4), s. 324–328. doi: 10.1002/jts.20431.
  • Kornør, Hege; Winje, Dagfinn; Ekeberg, Øivind; Weisæth, Lars; Kirkehei, Ingvild & Johansen, Kjell [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2008). Early trauma-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy to prevent chronic post-traumatic stress disorder and related symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry. ISSN 1471-244X. 8(81). doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-8-81.
  • Heir, Trond & Weisæth, Lars (2008). Acute Disaster Exposure and Mental Health Complaints of Norwegian Tsunami Survivors Six Months Post Disaster. Psychiatry. ISSN 0033-2747. 71(3), s. 266–276.
  • Heir, Trond; Hussain, Ajmal & Weisæth, Lars (2008). Managing the after-effects of disaster trauma – the essentials of early intervention. European Psychiatric Review. ISSN 1758-1354. 1(1), s. 66–69.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2008). Kritischer Kommentar von Lars Weisæth (Oslo) zum Geleit. Psychosomatik und Konsiliarpsychiatrie. ISSN 1862-8818. 2(4), s. 184–185.
  • Kornør, Hege; Winje, Dagfinn; Ekeberg, Øyvind; Weisæth, Lars; Kirkehei, Ingvild & Johansen, Kjell [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2008). Early trauma-focused cognitive behavioural treatment to prevent chronic post-traumatic stress disorder and related symptoms. A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry. ISSN 1471-244X. 8.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2007). Leo Eitinger - viktimologiens grunnlegger. I Øiesvold, Terje (Red.), Engasjement og kunnskap. Tekster i norsk psykiatri. Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening. ISSN 978-82-8070-060-5. s. 22–23.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2007). Operational mental health in modern defence forces. I Quiroga Garcia, D. F. & Seear, M. (Red.), Hors de combat. The Falkland - malivas conflict twenty five years on. Critical Cultural and Communications Press. ISSN 9781905510108. s. 83–91.
  • Weisæth, Lars; Dyb, Grete & Heir, Trond (2007). Disaster medicine and mental health. Who, how, when for international and national disasters. Psychiatry. ISSN 0033-2747. 70(4), s. 337–344.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2004). Preventing After-Effects of Disaster Trauma: The Information and Support Centre. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. ISSN 1049-023X. 19(1), s. 86–89.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Tønnessen, Arnfinn (2003). Responses of individuals and groups to consequences of technological disasters and radiation exposure, Ursano Robert J., Fullerton Carol S., Norwood Ann E. (Eds.) Terrorism and Disaster Individual and Community Mental Health Interventions. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press. s. 209–223.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2002). Kollektiv traumatisk stress: kriser, katastrofer, krig. I Ekman, R & Arnetz, B (Red.), Stress: molekylerna, individen, organisationen, samhället. Liber, Stockholm. s. 316–342.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2002). Humor ved kriser og katastrofer: har humoren noen plass ved taps- og fareopplevelser? I Tyrdal, Stein (Red.), Humor og helse - i teori og praksis : fra smilehull til latterkrampe. Kommuneforlaget AS. ISSN 82-446-0889-7. s. 129–149.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2002). Financial compensation for psychic injury: a Scandinavian perspective. I Bleich, A & Solomon, Z. (Red.), Mental disability: medical, research, social, legal and rehabilitative aspects. Ministry of Defence, Tel Aviv. ISSN 965-05-1141-5. s. 461–483.
  • Tønnessen, Arnfinn; Mårdberg, Bertil & Weisæth, Lars (2002). Silent disaster : a european perspective on threat perception from Chernobyl far field fallout. Journal of Traumatic Stress. ISSN 0894-9867. 15(No 6), s. 453–459.
  • Mehlum, Lars & Weisæth, Lars (2002). Predictors of posttraumatic stress reactions in Norwegian U.N.peacekeepers 7 years after service. Journal of Traumatic Stress. ISSN 0894-9867. 15(1), s. 17–26.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2002). The European history of psychotraumatology. Journal of Traumatic Stress. ISSN 0894-9867. 15(6), s. 443–452.
  • Tønnessen, Arnfinn; Mårdberg, Bertil & Weisæth, Lars (2002). Silent disaster: a European perspective on threat perception from Chernobyl far field fallout. Journal of Traumatic Stress. ISSN 0894-9867. 15(6), s. 453–459.
  • Weisæth, Lars; Knudsen, Øistein Jr. & Tønnessen, Arnfinn (2002). Technological disasters, crisis management and leadership stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials. ISSN 0304-3894. 93(1), s. 33–45.
  • Renck, Barbro; Weisæth, Lars & Skarbö, Solveig (2002). Stress reactions in police officers after a disaster rescue operation. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. ISSN 0803-9488. 56(1), s. 7–14.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2002). Tre former for fare og våre reaksjoner på dem. Æsculap. ISSN 0801-0196. s. 32–-33.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Dalgard, Odd Steffen (2000). Stress, mestring og helse. I Weisæth, Lars & Dalgard, Odd Steffen (Red.), Psykisk helse. Risikofaktorer og forebyggende arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 82-00-45053-8. s. 36–48.
  • Dalgard, Odd Steffen & Weisæth, Lars (2000). Utfordringer i det forebyggende arbeid. I Weisæth, Lars & Dalgard, Odd Steffen (Red.), Psykisk helse. Risikofaktorer og forebyggende arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 82-00-45053-8. s. 389–400.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2000). Briefing and debriefing: group psychological interventions in acute stressor situations. I Raphael, B & Wilson, JP (Red.), Psychological debriefing: theory, pratice and evidence. Cambridge University Press. s. 43–57-.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2000). Sentrale begreper og definisjoner. I Weisæth, Lars & Dalgard, Odd Steffen (Red.), Psykisk helse. Risikofaktorer og forebyggende arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 82-00-45053-8. s. 3–24.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Lande, S.B. (2000). Arv og miljø. I Weisæth, Lars & Dalgard, Odd Steffen (Red.), Psykisk helse. Risikofaktorer og forebyggende arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 82-00-45053-8. s. 25–35.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2000). Traumerelaterte lidelser. I Weisæth, Lars & Dalgard, Odd Steffen (Red.), Psykisk helse. Risikofaktorer og forebyggende arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 82-00-45053-8. s. 205–236.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Ruud, Torleif (2000). Angstlidelser. I Weisæth, Lars & Dalgard, Odd Steffen (Red.), Psykisk helse. Risikofaktorer og forebyggende arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 82-00-45053-8. s. 259–276.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2000). Alkoholavhengighet. I Weisæth, Lars & Dalgard, Odd Steffen (Red.), Psykisk helse. Risikofaktorer og forebyggende arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 82-00-45053-8. s. 294–305.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2000). Forsvarets sanitet. I Weisæth, Lars & Dalgard, Odd Steffen (Red.), Psykisk helse. Risikofaktorer og forebyggende arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 82-00-45053-8. s. 349–355.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Rom, A.K. (2000). Bedriftshelsetjenesten. I Weisæth, Lars & Dalgard, Odd Steffen (Red.), Psykisk helse. Risikofaktorer og forebyggende arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 82-00-45053-8. s. 356–362.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Weisæth, Lars & Kjeserud, Ragnar (2007). Ledelse ved kriser: En praktisk veileder. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 9788205351820. 142 s.
  • Ursano, R.J.; Fullerton, C.S.; Weisæth, Lars & Raphael, B (2007). Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521852357. 354 s.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Tønnessen, Arnfinn (2004). Terrorist events using radioactive materials: lessons for bioterrorism. In Bioterrorism: Psychological and Public Health Interventions. RJ Ursano, AE Norwood & CS Fullerton (eds). Cambridge University Press. 34 s.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2004). Norske erfaringer med terror - om motstandskraft og sårbarhet i individer, grupper og samfunn. I ubevisst sjeleliv og bevisst samfunnsliv. Psykisk helse i en sammenheng. Festskrift til Tom Sørensen. Sandanger I, Ingebrigtsen G, Nygård JF, Sørgaard K (red). Nordkyst Psykiatri. 12 s.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2004). Psyhcotraumtolgija Europoje. In Sunku Traumu Psichologija: Politniu represiju padariniai. Galiene D (ed). Tyrimo Centras. 49 s.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2004). Psichologine Trauma: Negalios kompensacija karo bei civiliams veteranms ir karo aukoms norvegijos patirtis. In Sunku Traumu Psichologija: Politniu represiju padariniai. Galiene D (ed). Tyrimo Centras. 40 s.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2003). Weisæth L. Prologue. In Seear M. With the Gurkhas in the Falklands. A war journal. xxii-xxiii. Penn & Sword Books. 2 s.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2003). Weisæth L. Historical background of early intervention in military settings. In Örner R, Schnyder U (eds). Reconstructing early intervention after trauma. Innovations in the care of survivors. 3-13. Oxford University Press. 11 s.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Tønnessen, Arnfinn (2003). Responses of individuals and groups to consequences of technological disasters and radiation exposure. In Ursano RJ, Fullerton CS, Norwood AE (eds). Terrorism and Disaster. Individual and Community Mental Health Interventions. 203-235. Cambridge University Press. 27 s.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2003). Weisæth, L. The psychological challenge of peacekeeping operations. In Britt TW, Adler AB (eds). The Psychology of the Peacekeeper. 207-222. Prager. 16 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Loganovsky, Konstantin; Marazziti, Donatella & Weisæth, Lars (2021). Editorial: Ecological Disaster Neuropsychiatry. Frontiers in Psychiatry. ISSN 1664-0640. 12. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.753243.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Tønnessen, Arnfinn (2020). Frykt, informasjon og kontroll under en pandemi. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001. 140(10). doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.20.0346.
  • Buer, Øystein; Kalfoss, Mary; Weisæth, Lars & Bendz, Bjørn (2016). Kartlegging av nær døden-opplevelser. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001. 136(23/24), s. 1968–1969. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.16.0953.
  • Skogstad, Marit; Skorstad, Monica; Lie , Arve; Heir, Trond & Weisæth, Lars (2013). Debriefing ved alvorlig traumatisk stressbelastning - bør vi fortsette med det? Ramazzini: norsk tidsskrift for arbeids- og miljømedisin. ISSN 0805-5238. 20(1), s. 16–18.
  • Holgersen, Katrine Høyer; Klöckner, Christian; Bøe, Hans Jakob; Weisæth, Lars & Holen, Are (2010). Trajectories of initial stress responses and course of mental health over 27 years.
  • Johansen, Venke A & Weisæth, Lars (2009). Exposure to assault violence, Short- and long-term psychological reactions and the impact on QoL.
  • Johansen, Venke A & Weisæth, Lars (2009). Exposure to non-domestic violence, short- and long-term psychological reactions and the impact on quality of life.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2008). Edvard Munch - Pioneer Psychotraumatologist.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2008). Commentary on the report Psychosocial effects of Threat and Protection.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2008). Providing right amount of information when facing threats.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2007). Veteraners psykiske helse. Sjekkposten. Organ for FN - veteranenes Landsforbund. s. 6–7.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Tønnesen, Arnfinn (2007). Stressskadede veteraner - hvorfor søker de ikke hjelp? Sjekkposten. Organ for FN - veteranenes Landsforbund. s. 8–9.
  • Tønnessen, Arnfinn; Thoresen, Siri; Andreassen, Anne Lie; Vibe Lindgaard, Camilla; Bjerkholt, Terje & Weisæth, Lars (2007). Managing expsoure to a mass death situation while working as a professional after the 2004 Tsunami.
  • Thoresen, Siri; Tønnessen, Arnfinn; Vibe Lindgaard, Camilla; Andreassen, Anne Lie & Weisæth, Lars (2007). Training and experience as predictors of stress reactions in Norwegian disaster response personnel mobilized for the 2004 Tsunami disaster.
  • Johansen, Venke A; Weisæth, Lars & Wahl, Astrid Klopstad (2007). The predictive value of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms for quality of life a longitudinal study of physically injured victims of non-domestic violence.
  • Johansen, Venke A & Weisæth, Lars (2005). Victims of non-domestic violence- crime characteristics and impact responses,
  • Weisæth, Lars (2004). A comparison of blue helmet (UN) and green helmet (NATO) experiences in peacekeeping. European Psychotherapy vol 4 Special Edition, 2004, 208. Abstract. European Psychotherapy. 4.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Tønnessen, Arnfinn (2003). Gulfkrigs-syndromet - langtidsvirkning av krig. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Weisæth, Lars & Tønnessen, Arnfinn (2002). Opportunity in peril. Mastering leadership, part 4. Financial Times (London ed.). ISSN 0307-1766. s. 6–8.
  • Weisæth, Lars; Mehlum, Lars & Lie, Terje (2002). Traumatic Stressors in Terrorism: Norwegian Merchant Sailors in the Arabian Gulf 1984-1988.
  • Solheim, Tore; Bjørkås, Arne; Haugen, Olav Anton & Weisæth, Lars (2001). Identifisering etter store ulykker og psykiske reaksjoner.
  • Weisæth, Lars (2000). Stress effects of Chernobyl. I Fink, George (Red.), Encyclopedia of stress. Academic Press, San Diego. 3 b.. ISSN 0-12-226735-4. s. 435–438.
  • Skarstein, Dag; Weisæth, Lars & Lien, Inger-Lise (2021). Dealing with fear: Managing life-threatening events in different cultural contexts. An empirical study with case design using qualitative interviews and participant observation. UiT Norges arktiske universitet.
  • Skogstad, Marit; Skorstad, Monica; Lau, Bjørn; Conradi, Hilde Slørdahl; Heir, Trond & Weisæth, Lars (2011). Posttraumatisk stresslidelse (PTSD) og arbeidslivet. Statens Arbeidsmiljøinstitutt;. ISSN 1502-0932. Årgang 12(Nr. 3). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Hussain, Ajmal; Heir, Trond & Weisæth, Lars (2010). Psykiske belastningsskader hos militært personell etter tjeneste i utenlandsoperasjoner. Kunnskapsoppdatering. Forsvarsdepartementet.
  • Gaddini, Andrea; Scalmana, Silvia; Teodori, Margherita & Weisæth, Lars (2009). Psychosocial interventions following disasters, terrorism and other shocking events. General recommendations. IPPHEC (Improve the Preparedness to give Psychological Help in Events of Crisis.
  • Gaddini, Andrea; Scalmana, Silvia; Teodori, Margherita & Weisæth, Lars (2009). Psychosocial interventions following disasters, terrorism and other shocking events. Training recommendations. IPPHEC (Improve the Preparedness to give Psychological Help in Events of Crisis).
  • Dyb, Grete; Hellesøy, O. H.; Sønstebø, Ingrid & Weisæth, Lars (2008). Varige psykiske skader etter krigshendelser i barndommen. En utredning foretatt av en ekspertgruppe oppnevnt av NAV. NAV.
  • Lindgaard, Camilla Vibe; Heir, Trond; Tønnesen, Arnfinn & Weisæth, Lars (2007). Oppfølging av norske reisende etter Tsunamien i Sør Øst Asia 2004 : beskrivelse av de første resultatene. Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress.
  • Kornør, Hege; Winje, Dagfinn; Ekeberg, Øivind; Johansen, Kjell; Weisæth, Lars & Ormstad, Sari Susanna [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2007). Psykososiale tiltak ved kriser og ulykker. Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten. ISSN 978-82-8121-163-6. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kornør, Hege; Weisæth, Lars; Winje, Dagfinn; Ekeberg, Øivind; Daae, Cecilie & Swensen, Elisabeth [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2006). Psykososiale tiltak ved store ulykker og katastrofer. Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten. ISSN 82-8121-123-7. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

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Publisert 13. apr. 2011 11:46 - Sist endret 6. mai 2016 13:34