EATRIS – European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine

Norway formally entered EATRIS as a full member in 2016. EATRIS helps researchers and developers de-risk and add value to their medicinal product or diagnostic development programmes by providing fast, tailored access to academic cutting-edge enabling technologies in over 80 leading academic institutions across 13 European countries.

EATRIS logoTranslational medicine is the transformation of laboratory research outcomes into new ways to diagnose and treat patients. It takes promising biomedical innovations from bench to bedside and bridges clinical needs from bedside to bench. The process of translating biological insights of disease mechanisms into effective interventions is, however, a complex and multidisciplinary undertaking that requires significant expertise and infrastructure.

European Research Infrastructure Consortium

EATRIS is a non-profit European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) that offers a unique one-stop shop access to academic expertise and high-end technologies required to advance new products through the translational process from target validation to early clinical trials. The infrastructure is open to both academic researchers and companies in need of support for advancing biomedical innovations.

EATRIS focuses on preclinical and early clinical development of medicinal products and diagnostics and provide solutions in five platforms of expertise, Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs), Biomarkers, Imaging and Tracing, Small Molecules and Vaccines.

EATRIS in Norway

The Norwegian EATRIS node consists of the University of Oslo, University of Bergen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the Arctic University of Norway in addition to the four Regional Health Authorities in Southeastern, Western, Central and Northern Norway. NCMM coordinates the Norwegian participation in EATRIS and NCMM's Director, Professor Janna Saarela, is also the EATRIS National Scientific Director of Norway.

To date, Norway contributes to the five platforms of expertise of EATRIS with core facilities and experts localized in the four main regional universities and university hospitals in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø.

The aim is that Norway’s EATRIS membership will increase access for Norwegian scientists to both cutting-edge research facilities as well as expertise within translational research in EATRIS’s European Network. This will facilitate consortium building in the frame of EU funding applications. In addition, EATRIS will provide specific support to strengthen translational research proposals.

More information

EATRIS Coordinator (based at NCMM): Anita Kavlie

Visit the EATRIS website:

Published Dec. 20, 2016 6:56 PM - Last modified Feb. 18, 2021 12:49 PM