Norwegian version of this page

Working with genetically modified organisms (GMO)

GMOs (genetically modified organisms)  are microorganisms, plants, animals in which the genetic composition is altered using genetic engineering techniques. This also applies to bacteria transformed to work up plasmid DNA. All use of GMOs must be registered or approved by the Norwegian Directorate of Health. Approval is the responsibility of the group leader.

Guidelines and instructions

The contained use of GMM (genetically modified micoorganisms) demands certain occupational, health and environmental safety standards.

Acts and regulations

Purachsing, use and disposal of GMO are governed by a set of acts and regulations. Users should be familiar with what rules and approvals that apply before work is started, and must be in compliance with current regulations.


There are particular routines to follow when handling GMO-waste. All users of GMO need to adhere to these. 

GMO-approved locations

The vast majority of work with "contained use" of GMOs is inhenrently safe. NCMM have a general approval of GMM (Genetically Modified Microorganisms) for some locations in the labs, and for GMO in others.