
Contained use referes to activities involving GMOs where physical containment is used to limit the the GMO’s contact with humans and environment. Contained use of GMOs requires approval or notification and Internal Control.

All contained use of GMOs shall take place in approved facilities. All non-contained use of GMOs is considered as deliberate release, and is not permitted at NCMM.

NCMM has a general approval of GMM (Genetically Modified Microorganisms):

Contained Level 1

NCMM level E2, E3 and D3 is in general approved for GMM level 1

Contained Level 2 ​​

The following rooms are approved:

  • Bact.labs 52:059B/059 (E3)
  • Cell-labs 52:164, 52:165, 42:161, 42:162 and 42:164 (E3 and E2)
  • Cell-labs 51:054, 51106 and 51109 (D3)

The Group leader must notify all use of GMM Level 1 and 2 to The Norwegian Directorate of Health before the work is commenced.

Approval of GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms):

  • Room 52:131, 52:054 (E3) and 42:053 (E2) are approved for danio rerio (zebra fish) and genetically modified organisms with similar characteristics.
Published May 24, 2016 10:34 AM - Last modified Oct. 24, 2019 5:21 PM