Norwegian version of this page

GMM in research - guidelines and instructions

The contained use of genetically modified micoorganisms (GMM) demands good occupational, health and environmental safety standards. All work with GMM has to be risk assessed to meet occupational, health and environmental safety standards. The risk assessment determines the GMM safety level, which in turn determines the minimum containment level.


The SACGM guidelines ( contain notes on good practice and risk assessment for work with GMM. These guidelines are not compulsory, but are helpful in considering what you need to do in order to work safely with GMM.

Instructions for contained work

Biosafety level 1 and 2

Every containment level has appropriate guidance associated with them. All work with GMM in Norway is regulated in "Inneslutningstiltak og andre vernetiltak for laboratorievirksomhet" (in Norwegian only).

Biosafety Level 2 (see under) is a guide specifically for NCMM, outlining the required equipment and practices for contained use biosafety level 2 in the NCMM labs.

Zebrafish core facility

All approvals from The Norwegian Directorate of Health, Norwegian Food Safety Authority and approval for waste water regarding the zebrafish core facility are managed by the facility. All users of the facility have to comply with instructions and regulations provided by the facility magagement.


Guidance on regulations for the transport of infectious substances 2021-2022 

Published Apr. 6, 2016 9:53 AM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2022 1:26 PM