Norwegian version of this page

Safety at NCMM

In case of a crisis or undesired incident: Call the University's security and alarm centre at 22856666 (manned 24 hours a day), or contact fire brigade/police/ambulance.

Fire safety

For your own safety you have to know the fire instruction and routines for evacuation of the building.

Fire - 110
Police - 112
Ambulance - 113

Adverse events

All accidents and injuries must be reported to

  1. Your group leader at NCMM
  2. Management at NCMM
  3. In CIM (Adverse events)


NCMM have GSM-alarm systems for the ultra-low freezers and the Liquid Nitrogen (LN) tanks.


Employees must follow Oslo Science Park's routines for registration.

Central emergency preparedness plan

The University's central emergency preparedness plan describes actions and responsibilities in the case of incidents which require crisis management.