Handling cardboard, paper, metal and glass waste

The Forskningsparken waste room is located in the basement. Here you can  dispose of all ordinary waste.

  • Paper is put in dedicated containers for paper waste.
  • Cardboard is put in the compactor.
  • Glass is put in dedicated containers in the Forskningsparkens waste room. All glass waste shall be evaporated, rinsed and empty of any chemicals and without lids before being disposed of. Unclean glass shall be handled as dangerous waste.
  • Metal is put in dedicated containers for metal waste.
  • Plastic is put in bags for plastic waste. Please separate soft and hard plastic.
  • Styrofoam/ ESP (expanded polystyrene) is put  in the stationary compactor for remaining ordinary waste. It is not recycled.
  • Batteries are put in a dedicated small container for batteries.
  • Light tubes and light bulbs are put in a dedicated container. Contain 10-30 mg mercury and are actually special waste. Handle with care to avoid breakage.
  • Computers are  taken care of by the IT- personnel to discharge the hard disc.

Full container?

Please notify the caretaker on 951 94 679

Published May 23, 2016 11:18 AM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2023 10:27 AM