Annual Nordic EMBL Partnership Meeting

The 10th annual Nordic EMBL Partnership conference will be hosted by MIMS, Umeå. The conference will take place online. 

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This year’s meeting is organized by the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS). It brings together mainly the group leaders, postdoctoral researchers, and PhD students of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine with researchers from EMBL and its broader network to discuss their research, develop new ideas and initiate new projects.

Scientific Programme


Day 1 - Tuesday 22 September 2020

09:00-11:00 Nordic EMBL Partnership Steering Group Meeting
09:00-11:00 Young Investigator Workshop – Personal effectiveness: self-leadership and time management

Sarah Blackford, BioScience Careers, Germany
11:00-12:00 Nordic EMBL Administrator Meeting - Part I
12:00-12:30  Break
12:30-13:20 Welcome and Opening                            
12:30-12:40 Welcome by Hans Adolfsson on behalf of Umeå University
12:40-12:50 Welcome by Poul Nissen and update on the Partnership
12:50-13:00 Welcome by Oliver Billker on behalf of MIMS and technical details
13:00-13:20 Welcome and Updates from EMBL by Edith Heard


Session 1 - From simple to complex disease models

Chair: Oliver Billker, MIMS
13:30-14:05 Keynote lecture - Human Cell Atlas: Mapping the human body one cell at a time
Sarah Teichmann, Wellcome Sanger Institute, United Kingdom
The multimodal Platynereis cell type atlas 
Detlev Arendt, EMBL Heidelberg
Investigating cell type-specific gene expression across developmental stages in the prenatal  human cerebral cortex 
Mari Niemi, FIMM
14:35-14:50 Molecular views into cellular functions by in-cell cryo-electron tomography 
Julia Mahamid, EMBL Heidelberg
14:50-15:20 Break/Poster Session I
15:20-15:25 NCMM Update by Janna Saarela
Centromere – a megadalton protein-DNA complex ensuring genomic integrity 
Nikolina Sekulic, NCMM
Cryo-EM studies of membrane transporter systems in brain
Poul Nissen, DANDRITE 
Cryo-EM structure of Helicobacter pylori urease with a novel inhibitor in the active site at 2.0 Å resolution
Eva Cunha, NCMM
Identification of the first receptor for the environmental signal ATP in bacteria
Sophie Tronnet, MIMS
Understanding cerebral malaria with in vitro 3D microvascular models
Maria Bernabeu, EMBL Barcelona
High-throughput in vivo screening identifies parasite genes determining parasite-host interactions in malaria infections
Ellen Bushell, MIMS

Brain slice model of alpha-synucleinopathies points to role of phosphorylation and strains in Parkinson’s disease and Multiple System Atrophy
Nanna Møller Jensen, DANDRITE
Mechanistic analysis in the omics era
Johan Henriksson, MIMS
16:45-17:15 Summary and Poster Session I continued



Day 2 - Wednesday 23 September 2020

10:00-12:00 Special event - Opening science to benefit scientists and society and Panel Discussion

Nonia Pariente, Editor-in-Chief, PLOS Biology, United Kingdom

Chair: Nonia Pariente
Panelists: Theodore Bloom, BMJ, United Kingdom; Ulrich Dirnagl, QUEST&Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany; Tony Ross-Hellauer, Graz University of Technology, Austria; Sophien Kamoun, The Sainsbury Laboratory, United Kingdom; Robert Kiley, Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom
12:00-13:00 Break
13:00-17:00 Session 2 - From microbes to mind

Chair: Maria Fällman, MIMS
Keynote lecture - Probing the interface of drugs and microbes
Nassos Typas, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Deciphering the evolutionary principles of antimicrobial peptide resistance
Balázs Papp, HCEMM-BRC
Microbes and the intestinal mucosal barrier
Björn O. Schröder, MIMS
RNA atlas of human bacterial pathogens uncovers stress dynamics linked to infection 
Kemal Avican, MIMS
Identifying gut microbiome contributions to drug metabolism and toxicity 
Michael Zimmerman, EMBL Heidelberg

Decoding bacterial cell wall genetics and environmental adaptation through omic-scale peptidoglycan profiling and network analysis
Felipe Cava, MIMS
14:40-15:10 Break/Poster Session II
15:10-15:15 MIMS Update by Oliver Billker
How does extreme genome compaction affect structure and function of an ancient conserved RNA-protein complex?
Jonas Barandun, MIMS
Structural basis for bacterial ribosome quality control by RqcH 
Hiraku Takada, MIMS
Discovery of novel anti-chlamydial compounds by machine-learning-based predictive modelling 
Magnus Ölander, MIMS
The glymphatic system – a brain-wide clearance system
Iben Lundgaard, Lund University
Whole tissue ex vivo imaging sheds light on tropism and neuroinvasion of tick-borne Flavivirus in mouse brain 
Anna Överby Wernstedt, MIMS
Inhibited-state structure of human glycine transporter 1 
Azadeh Shahsavar, DANDRITE
Severe sleep disorders are affected and modulated by immune function
Hanna Maria Ollila, FIMM
16:30-17:00 Summary and Poster Session II continued



Day 3 - Thursday 24 September 2020

14:00-18:00  Session 3 - From genetic associations to mechanisms

Chair: TBA
14:00-14:05 FIMM Update by Mark Daly
Keynote lecture - Functional variations in the human genome: Lessons from the transcriptome
Tuuli Lappalainen, New York Genome Center & Columbia University, United States
Estimating the public health impact of genetic variants
Andrea Ganna, FIMM

Open Targets: from genetic associations to mechanisms of drug action – supporting therapeutic hypothesis generation and drug discovery
Ellen McDonagh, EMBL-EBI
Identifying genetic risk variants for Parkinson's disease 
Mark Denham, DANDRITE

Orally administered SERCA inhibitor, Cyclopiazonic acid, slows neurodegeneration and increases life span in mouse prion-like spreading model of Parkinson’s disease
Cristine Betzer, DANDRITE
FIMM infrastructure for functional precision medicine 
Sergey Kuznetsov, FIMM
Zebrafish larvae carrying a mutation in cacna1d display schizophrenia-like behaviours 
Nancy Saana Banono, NCMM
15:40-16:10 Break/Poster Session III
Megadalton chromatin remodelers: common principles for genome regulation
Sebastian Eustermann, EMBL Heidelberg  
Genetic control of somatic mutation patterns in cancer genomes
Sebastian Waszak, NCMM      
Functional studies of genetic associations – three stories
Eiríkur Steingrímsson, Icelandic University 
Functional diagnostics using fresh uncultured lung tumor cells to guide personalized treatments 
Sarang Talwelkar, FIMM
17:00-17:05 Cis-regulatory mutations associate with transcriptional and post-transcriptional deregulation of the gene regulatory program in cancers 
Jaime Castro-Mondragon, NCMM
17:05-17:20 Effect of Cas9-fused DNA repair proteins on CRISPR editing outcomes 
Emma Haapaniemi, NCMM
17:30-18:00 Summary and Poster Session III continued



Day 4 - Friday 25 September 2020


Session 4 - From biological to artificial neural networks

Chair: Poul Nissen, DANDRITE
Keynote lecture - From Biological to Artificial Neural Networks: The Case of Face Recognition
Winrich Freiwald, The Rockefeller University, United States
14:45-14:50 Learning action values in biological and artificial systems 
Duda Kvitsiani, DANDRITE
14:50-15:05 Female copulation song: eavesdropping on the communication between nervous system and reproductive organs
Anne C. von Philipsborn, DANDRITE
Multiplexed axonal direction selectivity in retinal bipolar cells
Keisuke Yonehara, DANDRITE
High resolution microstructure of the complex of gabaergic synapse with perineuronal net
Mikhail Paveliev, DANDRITE
15:25-15:30 Engineering a dual-optical tool for spectrally distinct optogenetic excitation of neurons 
Noemie Mermet-Joret, DANDRITE
15:30-15:45 Machine learning for microscopy image analysis 
Anna Kreshuk, EMBL Heidelberg
15:45-16:45 Break/Poster Session IV
16:45-16:50 DANDRITE Update by Poul Nissen
Representation learning with deep neural networks to understand somatic mutagenesis in cancers
Esa Pitkänen, FIMM
Large-scale network models to understand gene regulation in healthy and diseased tissues
Marieke Kuijjer, NCMM
The power of multiomics 
Wolfgang Huber, EMBL Heidelberg
17:35-17:50 Highlights and Closing remarks



 Wednesday 30 September 2020

10:00-12:00 Nordic EMBL Administrators Meeting - Part II




Published Sep. 21, 2020 9:57 AM - Last modified Dec. 16, 2021 6:00 PM