2024 Nordic EMBL Partnership Science and Art Competition

Members of the Nordic EMBL Partnership are invited to submit scientific images and artwork to the Science and Art Competition.

collage of scientific images submitted at previous competition

Overview of the artwork featured in the 2021 competition.

Inspire your fellow researchers by submitting your unpublished research images, photographs, paintings, drawings or digital design. The images will be displayed on the Nordic EMBL Partnership website, and all members of the four nodes are invited to vote for their favorite image.

The deadline to submit your artwork is September 6th 2024.

The competition is open to anyone affiliated with the Nordic EMBL Partnership (DANDRITE, FIMM, MIMS, NCMM). You do not have to attend the annual Partnership meeting to be eligible for the science and art competition.

Winners will be announced during the Partnership meeting.

Read more about the competition and how to submit your images on the Nordic EMBL Partnership website. 

Published Apr. 17, 2024 3:11 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2024 3:11 PM