11th NorMIC Workshop on Microscopy Image Processing

The NorMIC series of workshops aims to teach biological researchers (PhD students, engineers, postdocs and young PIs) the principles of biological microscopy and image processing.

Poster of the workshop.

Image: Xian (Edna) Hu.

We are placing special emphasis on scientific theory and concepts, rather than solely instructing on how to use specific microscopes or image processing software. We hope that this approach will enable the attendees to quickly develop an understanding of the framework of modern bioimaging sciences and improve their ability to navigate their specific bioimaging applications in the future. Additionally, we aspire to establish a local imaging community through these workshops.

The theory part of this course will cover: image formation, processing workflow, segmentation, filters, de-convolution, rendering and visualization, classification, machine learning, AI-based processing.

We will use the following software: Image J, Imaris, Google Colab based ZeroCostDeepLearning, Nikon NIS, Deconvolution (Heintzmann Lab). Image J, Google Colab and Deconvolution are freeware and Nikon NIS and Imaris are commercial softwares but available at the NorMIC imaging platform.

See the tentative course schedule.

All the lectures are open to public without registration, labs and social sessions are only open for registered participants.

The registration for the course is now closed. 

Teaching staff:

  • Rainer Heintzmann (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology in Jena, Germany)

  • Rune Enger (Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway)

  • Felix Margadant (Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway)

  • Kay Schink (Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway)

  • PC Cheng (State University of New York in Buffalo, USA)

  • Frode Skjeldal (IBV, University of Oslo, Norway)

  • Oddmund Bakke (IBV, University of Oslo, Norway)

  • Ingrid Kjos (Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway)

  • Anna Lång(Riks Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway)

  • Luca Rappez (EMBL, Barcelona)

  • Julia Schweizer(Imaris AS)

  • Dominik Frei(Interinstrument AS)

  • Edna, Xian Hu (NCMM, University of Oslo, Norway)

Organizing Committee: Edna, Xian Hu; Oddmund Bakke ; Felix Margadant ; Kay Schink 

Supporting Staff: Larissa Lily, Linda Haugen, Harold Gutch, Sabry Razick, Melaku Tadesse

Organizer: NCMM and NorMIC Imaging Platform, IBV

Published Sep. 14, 2023 1:51 PM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2023 1:58 PM