Sharpening innate intelligence and collaboration

This workshop is to teach tools and principles for sharpening innate intelligence and collaboration across diverse cultural lines and backgrounds

illustration of hands with different colors


As a diverse and multicultural workplace, Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM) is pleased to host this workshop by Nikolai Leung. 

Nikolai Leung works for an international IT & communications tech company based in San Francisco, California. Last year, he was given an award for his voluntary community service of 30 years for holding workshops on multiculturalism and diversity. The aim of this workshop is to stimulate dialogue and teach us how we can work both on our individual selves regarding unconscious biases and prejudices, and how we can work more “intelligently” together to achieve a greater common objective (e.g., climate change).

You can read more about Nikolai Leung and his background here (pdf).

The workshop format will involve many breaks between short lectures for group exercises to better digest the information and include fun games that keep it engaging. We have found that this is a very effective format in allowing a balance of attention between work and fun as we look at, and process, some challenging topics.

To register, contact Camila Esguerra before August

Workshop Outline


Constructivist Listening

Learning a simple but powerful tool in group exercises


  • What is it?
  • Why do humans not always act intelligently?
  • What causes patterns and how do they affect us?
  • How can we recover our full intelligence in every domain?

The Immigrant Experience

People of the Global Majority
Group exercises

Exclusion & Mistreatment

What causes someone to act unkindly or thoughtlessly towards another?
What is the cause of systemic exclusion & mistreatment?
If economics is the underlying reason, what are the mechanics and pretexts used to enable this?

How do we eliminate these societal patterns on both sides?

  • From the people targeted by it?
  • From the people who have been forced into the targeting role?

Liberation: what does this look like?
Movement building and making structural changes

Conclusions and Next Steps

Published Aug. 22, 2023 10:25 AM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2023 11:35 AM