NCMM International Seminar: Mikhail Spivakov

Mikhail Spivakov from MRC Laboratory of Medical Sciences London will present on the topic of probing the functional effects of genetic variation at enhancers with 3D genomics.

graphic illustration of a DNA molecule



Probing the functional effects of genetic variation at enhancers with 3D genomics

Over the last decade, our team has studied enhancer-promoter communication in multiple human systems, capitalising on high-resolution Capture Hi-C. Recently, we have developed a miniaturised version of this assay and evolved the computational tools for Capture Hi-C data analysis and integration with population genetic data. I will present our work using these technologies to (a) leverage natural genetic variation to functionally dissect the relationship between the activity and connectivity of enhancers and (b) link disease-associated variants with target genes in a rare cell type, Type 3 Innate Lymphoid Cells, leading to the identification of a surprising gene candidate for Crohn's disease with a novel function in these cells.

Meet the speaker

If you wish to meet and discuss with Dr. Mikhail Spivakov on Monday Nov. 27th, you are welcome to book a time slot on jotform

About the seminar series

Once a month, NCMM invites international guest speakers to present on topics within molecular life science and medicine. The seminar is open to all, with no registration needed. Tea, coffee and a simple lunch will be served before the start of the seminar.

Published Nov. 6, 2023 9:09 AM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2024 4:44 PM