Liv Alver Bjørland awarded University of Oslo Prize for Outstanding work in Health Environment and Safety (HSE)

NCMM is delighted to congratulate Senior Engineer on receiving the UiO Prize for outstanding work for Health Environment and Safety (HSE) in the workplace.

Photo of Liv Alver Bjørland

Liv Alver Bjørland. Photo: NCMM

The prize, which has also been won this year by Bente Olin Teigmo of the Institute for Clinical Dentistry, is designed to recognize excellence in Health Environment and Safety, and reward outstanding members of staff.

Outstanding support to NCMM

Liv Alver Bjørland has worked for UiO since 1991, combining the roles of HSE Coordinator and Lab Coordinator at NCMM. Liv oversees the implementation of all required systems, and remains up to date on all health environment and safety procedures and protocols. She provides extremely valuable support to all of NCMM’s Group Leaders, and is on hand to assist and guide new Group Leaders through tasks such as the process of applying for approvals.

Elisabeth Mona, Head of Staff Unit for Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) at UiO, says,

- I am very happy to see Liv get the HSE prize. She is very hard working and successful as HSE-coordinator at NCMM.

She manages to be both in to the details managing HSE, and to see the whole picture regarding why we work with HSE. Liv attends most of UiO’s HSE-courses, meetings and workshops, and she is always contributing interesting questions and knowledge that brings all of UiO forward in the field of HSE.

Elisabeth Mona

Sharing best practice and knowledge

Liv’s efforts go well beyond NCMM; she shares best practice and knowledge with other HSE Coordinators across UiO. She has also played a very important role in the user group responsible for developing laboratory spaces in the new Life Sciences Building.

- I am quite overwhelmed to have been awarded the UiO prize for outstanding work in HSE, it is a recognition I greatly appreciate. I would like to thank the management at NCMM who have established HSE as an important part in the running of the centre, says Liv.

- I would also like to thank UiO. The University’s Health and Safety department works very hard to ensure we receive the proper training for our work, and I’m grateful for the workshops and network they have established for support and discussions.

I also want to thank my colleagues for feedback on how to improve the HSE work; HSE involves teamwork and is not done by just one person.

Liv Alver Bjørland

Director of NCMM, Professor Kjetil Taskén adds,

- I have had the pleasure of working with Liv for almost 15 years. Liv is always on top of everything that has to do with health, environment and safety and makes my job very easy in that area. 

I trust her 100% and always follow her advice. When this prize was announced, it was immediately clear to me that we should nominate Liv. We are very lucky to have her at NCMM.

Professor Kjetil Taskén

The prize

The prize, presented on Monday 27 March, consists of up to 25,000NOK. This is to be spent on a week’s travel abroad to study HSE practices elsewhere, to draw inspiration and learnings that can be adopted at UiO.

Tags: HSE By Annabel Darby
Published Mar. 27, 2017 3:54 PM - Last modified May 4, 2021 11:05 AM