Food for Thought: Emma Haapaniemi introduces CRISPR as part of Oslo Science Park’s lunchtime seminar series

NCMM Group Leader shared some insight into the mechanisms of the gene editing technique and its uses.

Photo of Emma presenting
Dr Emma Haapaniemi presenting at Food for Thought. 

Dr. Emma Haapaniemi is head of the Precision Pediatrics and Gene Editing Group at NCMM.

Her research focuses on developing targeted therapies for rare immunological conditions. The group works extensively with the CRISPR-Cas gene editing technology, aiming to improve the technique and stratify existing therapies. 

For her ‘Food for Thought’ talk, Dr Haapaniemi gave an overview of how CRISPR works, along with some insight into the potential and current applications for human diseases, such as HIV, cancer immunotherapy, and genetic blood diseases.

Oslo Science Park’s ‘Food for Thought’ seminars are designed to give those from a wide variety of backgrounds the opportunity to learn more about the technologies and research taking place within the science park. The seminars also provide a great opportunity for researchers to present their research in ‘popular’ science terms and take questions that they perhaps have never been asked. 

Upcoming Food for Thought events are published on the Oslo Science Facebook page.


Published Apr. 24, 2019 12:53 PM - Last modified Apr. 29, 2019 2:06 PM