Gözen group takes part in Forskningstorget 2019

NCMM was represented by Irep Gözen and her research group at the annual Forskningstorget event at University Square in central Oslo.

Members of the Gözen group at Forskningstorget 2019

Forskningstorget is an annual nation-wide event where members of the public can learn about the exciting scientific research that takes place within Norway.

In Oslo, over 30 stations are run by various research centres and facilities. Visitors not only learn about the broad range of research topics being studied within Oslo, but can also gain hands on experience in some fun research-based activities. This year's event ran on 20 and 21 September 2019. 

Members of the Gözen group were kept very busy in their 'soft materials' stand, where visitors could learn about a range of topics related to soft biomaterials and nanotechnology. This included creating your own custom art pieces, as well as creating mini lava lamps in Falcon tubes.

Thanks go to Aysu Kucukturhan, Karolina Spustová, Inga Põldsalu and Irep Gözen for all of their hard work over the weekend. 

See a selection of images from day one at Forskningstorget 2019. Photos: Thomas Olafsen.


Published Sep. 20, 2019 5:12 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2019 5:16 PM