NCMM Director elected as a member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

Professor Janna Saarela to join the Cellular and Molecular Biology group of the Academy’s Natural Sciences Division

Photo of Janna Saarela

Professor Janna Saarela. Photo: Kirsi Tuura, Helsinki University. 

NCMM wishes to congratulate Director Professor Janna Saarela on her election to the prestigious Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. 

Membership of the Academy means that Professor Saarela will join a prominent network of Norwegian and international academics from the humanities, social, and natural sciences. A total of 25 new members have been elected to the Academy for 2019. 

Commenting on her election, Professor Saarela said:

"I'm truly honoured to be nominated as an international member of to the prestigious Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. I look forward to the important networking opportunities the nomination will bring."

Professor Saarela will be formally presented with her diploma during a ceremony at the Academy of Science and Letters Annual Meeting, which will take place on Friday 3 May at the Grand Hotel, Oslo. 

About the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

The Academy is a non-governmental organisation that encompasses all fields of academia. It exists to support the advancement of science and scholarship in Norway and is split into two parts, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Humanities. 

The Academy presents the prestigious Kavli Prize in Astrophysics, Nanoscience, and Neuroscience, and the Abel Prize in Mathematics, each year. 

Members can only be elected upon the death of an existing member or when a member has reached the age of 70. New members can also only be recommended by current members of the Academy. 

Visit the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters website. 


Published Mar. 26, 2019 3:30 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2024 1:05 PM