NCMM hosts annual PhD course in molecular medicine

This week saw the opening of NCMM's annual PhD course in molecular medicine.

Discussions during the poster session on day one of the PhD course.

The two-week long national course hosted by NCMM takes place at Forskningsparken from November 11th-22nd. The course aims to provide attendees with an overview of a range of topics within the molecular medicine field, including disease mechanisms and development, translational medicine, diagnostic tools, targeted therapies and personalized medicine.

Johannes Landskron presents the basics of high-throughput screening 

A total of 33 PhD students are attending this year's course, coming from various faculties and institutes within the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital. 

The course involves lecture presentations by experts in the molecular medicine field. This includes group leaders from NCMM, as well as external speakers from universities and university hospitals across Norway. In addition, the course involves guest lectures by visiting experts from the University of Copenhagen and our Nordic EMBL Partnership sister node FIMM in Helsinki, Finland.

The first day of the course included a poster session, giving students the opportunity to present their own work. The poster judging committee comprised NCMM researchers Johannes Landskron, Ruth Martin Martin, and Dario Segura-Pena, who awarded three prizes for the best poster presentations at the end of the session.

Students discuss their work during the poster session at Forskningparken.

The full program for the PhD course can be found here.

Announcements for the 2020 event will be published on the course webpages of the University of Oslo website next year.


Published Nov. 11, 2019 2:34 PM - Last modified Nov. 11, 2019 3:35 PM