NCMM's Chemical Biology Platform involved in pilot project to improve research reproducibility

Five EATRIS members, including NCMM and the Finnish Nordic EMBL partnership node, FIMM, assist reproducibility study

HTS facility

Photo: Øyvind Eide

The Chemical Biology Platform at NCMM has been involved in developing a HTS (High-Throughput Screening) 'Ring Test', which is part of a new study led by the collaborative group, 'TranslationTogether'. The study aims to address the issue of reproducibility in scientific research. FIMM is also involved in the project. 

Illustration of ring test
Graphic depicting the ring testing process. Image: Translation Together

Currently, several initiatives are aimed at addressing these issues to improve reproducibility in foundational research laboratories. However, it appears that the reproducibility of preclinical experiments typically conducted by translational scientists has never been systematically investigated using methods such as high-throughput screening (HTS) of small molecule libraries.

The new pilot project aims to develop the first-ever HTS (High-Throughput Screening) reproducibility study. The results will be widely disseminated to improve the reliability of translational research practices.

Published Apr. 26, 2019 2:19 PM - Last modified Aug. 12, 2021 9:55 AM