COVID-19: Update on situation at NCMM

Some activities are now able to re-start at NCMM, with the hope that the Centre will continue to scale up operations in June.

image of handwashing

Image: Shutterstock

We’d like to thank all of our staff for their continued understanding and support in light of the ongoing situation caused by COVID-19.

We now have permission to gradually scale up activities at NCMM, and are now aiming to have a maximum of 35-40% of staff physically present at the Science Park at any one time. Those planning on coming into the Science Park are subject to a thorough risk assessment, and all staff members must have completed UiO’s online infection control course in order to be allowed back to work.

Returning to work

Those who are not considered part of a high-risk group are allowed to come into NCMM according to the schedule agreed with their supervisor.

We advise that those who can work from home continue to do so until further notice. If coming into NCMM, we advise staff try avoid public transport where possible or, if no other transport is available, to avoid travelling at peak times. 

If you are coming into NCMM, please remember the following:

  1. Do not come into work if you are sick. Even if your symptoms are mild or appear unrelated to COVID-19, you must stay at home until you are better
  2. Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water
  3. Keep a distance of two meters whenever possible; or one meter if space allows
  4. Wipe down all instruments and surfaces in shared areas before and after use
  5. All work that can be completed at home should be done so until further notice

We are actively monitoring the national situation and following official advice from both UiO and the Norwegian government. We hope that the situation will allow for more activities to take place in June, however this will be determined by the official advice. We will provide updates whenever possible.

UiO Safety courses

Staff that are office-based can complete the 15-minute online course, available at:

Those who are lab-based must take the one-hour course before they are allowed back into the labs. Available at:

Published May 27, 2020 3:01 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2021 9:55 PM