7th NorMIC Imaging Workshop brings together young researchers with world-leading microscopy experts

NCMM and IBV at the University of Oslo hosted the 7th NorMIC Imaging Workshop, focusing on methods in optical microscopy and 3D printing for microscopes.

NorMIC poster

Photo: Xian Edna Hu.

Bioimaging is a growing scientific field and has become a popular tool for investigating various biomedicine questions. The NorMIC imaging workshops aims to introduce principles of biological microscopy and image processing to those new to the field. The target audience consist of PhD students, postdocs, and young PIs who wish to learn more about the pros and cons of different types of microscopes and processing algorithms.

The workshop, organised by Xian Edna Hu from NCMM and Oddmund Bakke from the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Oslo, took place online 16-19 November and provided teaching from world-leading researchers in the field, as well as from local experts. 

For this round the workshop was designed to accommodate 25 students who learned about the basics of optical microscope image formation, common artifacts, and many popular state of the art imaging techniques. The relatively small class size made it possible to have in depth interaction and extended discussions between the teaching faculty and students.

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Screenshot from the deconvolution hands on lab session with Rainer Heintzmann. Photo: Xian Edna Hu.

NorMIC workshops are usually ran twice a year with the spring course focusing on image acquisition and the autumn one for image processing, each course lasting for four days.

This year both courses took place online and required the use of cloud-based image processing servers that could support multiple users at the same time. To make this happen, the organisers received extensive support from USIT, University of Oslo’s Centre for Information Technology. The workshop received financial support from Digital Life Norway , UiO:Life Sciences and BNMI (NordForsk Research Infrastructure Hubs).

By Larissa Lily, NCMM/UiO
Published Nov. 29, 2021 10:28 AM - Last modified Dec. 19, 2021 10:00 AM