NCMM’s growing network gathers online

The NCMM Network Meeting 2021 saw NCMM group leaders, researchers and Associate Investigators gather online

Pinboard network


NCMM’s fast-growing network met online for a day of scientific talks and discussions on Wednesday 5 May. 

26 new NCMM Associate Investigators were appointed in late 2020 and, with a renewal of the network and the re-appointment of 21 Associate Investigators along with an upcoming call for seed-funding for collaborative projects, there was much science to discuss. 

Around 40 different scientific talks took place via an assortment of short pitches, research overviews presented in parallel sessions, and collaborative project success stories. With seed-funding available for new collaborative projects involving NCMM group leaders and Associate Investigators, the event provided participants with the opportunity to connect and get to know more about one another’s research. The meeting was well attended, with over 60 participants, resulting in productive discussions during each parallel session. 

Short presentations from projects funded through a 2019 seed-funding call were also given by NCMM group leader Camila Esguerra, who presented highlights from her project with Ole Andreassen and by Lynn Butler, who presented findings from her project with NCMM group leader Marieke Kuijjer. 

Details of the 2021 seed-funding call will be published and shared with the NCMM network shortly. 

NCMM thanks all of the speakers and those involved in organizing the event. We look forward to hopefully all meeting in person soon! 

A screenshot off the NCMM meeting
Some of the NCMM network meeting online




Published May 7, 2021 2:19 PM - Last modified Dec. 16, 2021 7:51 PM