Seed-funding for collaborative projects available

Up to 6.7 mNOK will be made available for concrete collaborative projects between NCMM research groups and associate investigators groups

The funding is designed to act as seed funding for new collaborative projects and can be used to help finance consumables, or specific analyses on materials, for example. It can also be used for the in-part financing of salaries if strategic in nature such as to bring another researcher in whilst applying for other funds. 

The deadline for applications is 31 August 2021, with funds expected to be distributed in November/December 2021. The funds should be used within 2021-2022 and will be administered by NCMM. 

For further details please contact Elisa Bjørgo

Published June 11, 2021 10:43 AM - Last modified Dec. 16, 2021 7:51 PM