Anita Kavlie presents EATRIS at Innovation Hangouts

Anita Kavlie, national coordinator for EATRIS Norway, pitched the benefits of the EATRIS research infrastructure to a full house at innovation hangouts – a new meeting place for academia and industry organised by the Life Science Growth House

Anita Kavlie standing at a podium giving her a pitch at innovations hangouts

Anita Kavlie giving her well received pitch at innovation hangouts. Photo: LMI 

The European infrastructure for translational medicine (EATRIS) is an academic research network with 14 member countries and 127 plus research institutions. It is organized around the following scientific platforms - advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs), biomarkers, imaging and tracing, vaccines, inflammation and immune monitoring, and small molecules. EATRIS aims to improve the translation of research insights into improved medical practice by using its capacities and expertise to bring together and support the major stakeholders involved in a drug development program, such as industry, academia, patients, clinicians, and regulators.

For both academia and industry, EATRIS can help to build large consortiums for EU funding applications by identifying academia and/or industry partners from the network. Researchers can register themselves for matchmaking within the network by registering their competencies in the EATRIS databases. EATRIS can also identify key opinion leaders (KOLs) or offer advanced animal models for pilot studies to study the efficacy of a drug candidate. EATRIS also offers GMP manufacturing facilities, access to biobanks, patient cohorts and data – amongst many other services and free training activities.

The Life Science Growth House is the University of Oslo's innovation unit for life sciences, health and technology. 170 participants were present from industry, hospitals and academia to hear Anita’s pitch and to matchmake at their second innovation hangout for academia and industry, titled ‘Tomorrow’s medicine – advanced therapies, cell therapy, precision medicine and nuclear medicine’. Commenting on the event Anita said: — The innovation hangout was a great success and I was very happy to participate!  I have already connected with several people who were in attendance and it was very well organized and well attended.

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Published July 14, 2022 2:17 PM - Last modified Jan. 19, 2024 10:04 AM