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Anthony Mathelier appointed as the new Associate Director of NCMM

NCMM group leader Anthony Mathelier will be the new Associate Director of the Centre, combined with a part-time Professor II position at the Centre for Bioinformatics.

Portrait photo of Anthony Mathelier

NCMM's new Associate Director Anthony Mathelier. Photo: Oda Hveem

Mathelier aims to promote mentorship and collaboration

Mathelier currently leads the Computational Biology & Gene Regulation group at NCMM and will continue as group leader in addition to the position as Associate Director. Promoting a positive and collaborative working environment has always been a priority for Mathelier and will also be an important motivation for him going forward.

– I am excited to take on a new role at NCMM and will focus on promoting mentorship, enhancing interdisciplinary collaborations, and building a strong network for computational biology with translational capabilities. Through partnering with other institutions and organizing events I hope to create an active national bioinformatics society, says Mathelier.

As Associate Director, Anthony Mathelier will work closely with the Director of NCMM Janna Saarela. 

– We at NCMM are pleased that Anthony Mathelier will take on the role of Associate Director. I very much look forward to working with him on further developing NCMM’s research strategies, collaborative networks, and scientific excellence, says Saarela.

The Mathelier group uses computational biology to understand disease development

Mathelier’s team works towards a better understanding of the non-coding part of the genome, which plays a crucial role in controlling gene expression. By studying this part of our DNA, they hope to gain insights into how gene regulation is disrupted in diseases like cancer. 

Their main goal is to combine experimental and computational methods to analyze patient samples. Through a basic research approach, they aim to uncover how gene regulation works and what happens when it goes awry. The derived knowledge has potential to shed light on the complex mechanisms behind disease development, and ultimately make a meaningful impact on the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of diseases.

Mathelier has close ties to both the clinic and the bioinformatic community

To achieve their goals, the Mathelier team collaborates closely with researchers at the Oslo University Hospital. Mathelier also has an adjunct researcher position with the Department of Medical Genetics at the Oslo University Hospital. 

The position of Associate Director is combined with a part-time Professor II position at the Centre for Bioinformatics, under the Institute of Informatics at the University of Oslo. Mathelier will take up the position as NCMM’s Associate Director from March 1st, 2023.


Anthony Mathelier

Read more

The Mathelier Group

By Nikoline L. Rasmussen
Published Feb. 22, 2023 9:43 AM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2023 9:43 AM