Welcome to Nikoline Rasmussen

Nikoline is the new communications officer at NCMM and started on 16 January.

Image may contain: Smile, Sleeve, Gesture, Eyelash, Happy.

Photo: Nikoline Rasmussen.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

I have a background in molecular biology and did my bachelor’s and master’s here at UiO. I then did a PhD at the University of Tromsø, which I recently handed in and will defend this spring. I’m originally from Denmark, but have also lived in the Netherlands, Sweden, the US - and Norway for the longest (including 3 years on Svalbard!).

What were you doing before joining NCMM?

Before joining NCMM, I was doing a PhD at the Autophagy Research Group at the University of Tromsø, Norway. Here, I studied the degradation of a specific immune-related protein by autophagy, and how that could affect the cell’s response to viral infection. I submitted my thesis on a Friday and started at NCMM the next Monday – so it was quite hectic at the end!

What made you decide to work with communication?

During my PhD I participated in various communications-related work, including collaborating with the Norwegian Cancer Society during “Forskningsdagene”, and making video-based teaching material for Gyldendal’s teaching platform for nursing students.

I really enjoy disseminating science through different platforms and would also like to help and encourage others to do the same, which is why I applied for the job as communications officer at NCMM.

What will you be responsible for in your role at NCMM?

In short, I will be responsible for external and internal communication at NCMM. That includes creating content for the website and keeping it updated, putting together the newsletter that comes out each month, updating social media pages and making the annual report, and more.

What are you most looking forward to in your new role?

To work with researchers here at NCMM to present their interesting work to a broad audience.

What do you like doing in your free time?

I knit a lot in my spare time. Living in Tromsø, wool sweaters were a year-round thing to wear, so it was quite useful! I also enjoy illustrating and photography.

Published Jan. 20, 2023 1:42 PM - Last modified Jan. 25, 2023 12:57 PM